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Combo diet question

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:53 pm
by osoniye
Hi Everyone,
Greetings. I'm new to NoS and am wondering how to start.
I've been on a very strict low carb diet off and on since October. It goes along well with NoS philosophy except for that it's strict. It is also NoSx3, but it allows no exceptions... no S days, no starches or sweets EVER. So when I go off it, I find I go a bit crazy. Last month I was at a 3 week workshop where the food was out of my control and I ate too much and gained about 4 lbs. While there, a friend told me about NoS and I'm interested.
What I'm thinking of, is keeping to current diet, but whenever I have starches, make that part of a meal and continue just to make sure the meal fits on a plate. My weekly dowfalls tend to be on Wed and Fri when I have regular social activities, that often involve dessert or a snack. I'd like to make those my S days. Does this sound too wacky and out of the NoS ethos? I'd appreciate any comments or advice you would like to give. It's been great reading posts on here and am gleaning a lot of wisdom.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 2:10 pm
by RJLupin
I would gradually start to transition back to a more normal, healthy diet. Nobody will ever stay off carbs and starches forever. It makes sense to limit sugars and simple carbs, because in my case at least they increase food cravings. However, if you're doing one of the "nothing but meat, cheese, and eggs" things you will never stick to it. What happens when you DO go back to eating normal food? You don't want to binge your way back up to the weight you started at. It makes more sense to start No S, and eat normal foods NOW, so you can really get your self-control down perfectly from the get-go.

I used to think I had to cut carbs to lose weight, but I lost 17 pounds doing No S in only about six weeks. It's not as fast as low carb, but it does teach you healthy eating and portion control which can last you a lifetime.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:40 pm
by osoniye
Hi RJ, Thanks for your response.
I can see what you mean that moderation from the get go is a good idea.
The diet I'm on isn't too nutso... the basic gist is 8 oz fruit for Bfast and 1# low carb veggies for lunch and again at supper. Each meal has a serving of protein and fat. It's not something I'd hate for the rest of my life, as far as the food itself, but it is a bit awkward with socializing, I must admit.
Maybe I'll keep doing both for the short term, and watch that I don't get too restrictive by taking "manditory" S days x2 per week, with at least a sweet I really enjoy, or seconds of something really good.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:01 pm
by RJLupin
Low carb worked well for me up to a point, but like you said, it's not something you can do AND have a life at the same time. One of the beauties of No S is that you can still eat normal food during it; you can go out with friends and don't have to order some special, diet food. Also, when you deprive yourself of carbs/sweets for TOO long, one taste and BOOM! Binge! At least in my case. Worse yet, if you do slip up and have that tortilla or something, you think "oh well, blew the diet already, might as well have that entire chocolate cake, too."

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:41 pm
by Kathleen
"Researchers who compile the National Weight Control Registry analyzed the diets of 2,681 members who had maintained at least a 30-pound weight loss for a year or more. They found that less than 1% had followed a diet similar to the Atkins program. Most followed high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets, says James Hill, director for the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver."

I have a sister in law who goes on Atkins and then goes off and then goes on. She's back on now. She does lose weight. She also gains it back. While I love cheesecake, I took one bite only of low-carb cheesecake that she had made. It tasted like cardboard.

The No S Diet is a different philosophy. It's about restricting when you eat instead of what you eat. The restriction on sweets is just more severe than the restriction on other types of food.


Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:44 pm
by osoniye
Thanks RJ. What you said has been my experience a lot. I did well for a couple of months where if I couldn't get my low carb foods conveniently, I would just eyeball the aprox amounts of other food I was shooting for and maintained my weight. But then other times, most notably in office meetings, I would get a hold of something and just keep going back for more- insatiable.
That's where I hope NoS will help... even if I keep sort of a low (carb) profile, when eating something that's not on my diet sheet it can still be part of my "1 plate",(so I won't throw my whole effort down the toilet and give up) and hopefully on S days, that little bit of regular sweet stuff will keep me from building up for a real sugar binge. I'm hoping anyway.
Wish me luck! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:48 pm
by osoniye
Thanks Kathleen. (I think we posted at the same time) I guess I'm hoping to be sort of low carb with the 3 noS rules as my safety net, to keep me from throwing in the towell over small failures.
Yeah, I really don't want to get on a cyclical Atkins type of system, definetly moderaiton is preferable. It's hard for me to give up the hope for quick wt loss though, sigh.