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Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:09 pm
by wosnes
I can't think of anything specific that has brought me the most enjoyment or satisfaction. What I think is most satisfying is that I can eat anything without guilt. I can have that cheeseburger and fries on a random day and it's okay. Or, like over the weekend when I was testing some recipes, I can eat pizza for more than one meal (amazingly, not tire of it, either!).

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:03 pm
by kccc
Oddly (or perhaps not), my "most satisfying S-days" are those when I have some very-good-stuff-I-like, but NOT too much. If I spend the whole weekend WITHOUT feeling stuffed, I enjoy it more!

(I do not want to admit how long it took me to learn this... that is, learn at "body level" as opposed to "head level." I still have to be reminded at times!)

Special treats include items like homemade tapioca pudding, a treat from the bakery, homemade pie, etc. This week, we made rootbeer floats, which are a summer family tradition (we make "gourmet" ones with micro-brewed rootbeer and Breyers vanilla).

Anything that's not a sweet, I have on N-days as part of a meal IF I want it enough. I love that.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:20 pm
by osoniye
I'm new at this, but i had a great S day yesterday- I was invited out for a birthday celebration, and ordered the things I really wanted to have at a restaurant and a cafe. Not the healthiest or least healthy "just because", but what I really wanted. That meant a mushroom calzone, a cinnamon spice mocha alongside a wonderful piece of white chocolate cake. That was lunch. The rest of the day was fine, but that was my star meal, and I love having a star!

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:28 pm
by sophiasapientia
What are some of your favorite treats and meals that you enjoy and really look forward to eating on your S days?

It varies from week to week and from season to season. :wink: I enjoy my S Days most when I stick to the basic 3 meal structure with some special treats added in.

My S Day treats this past weekend included lunch (with second helpings) at my family's favorite Indian restaurant, a slice of homemade lemon meringue pie for breakfast one morning, a mini cupcake from a local bakery and 2-3 small homemade chocolate chocolate chip cookies.

Typically, at least one of my S Days includes a meal at a favorite restaurant and both involve some sort of good quality dessert (sometimes shared.)

I suspect s'mores and Mexican food will be on the horizon for upcoming S Days ... Yum!

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:59 pm
by Nichole
I think one of my most satisfying S Days was quite a while ago, when I bought myself a piece of Godiva cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and shared it with my husband. Sooo delicious.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:19 pm
by wosnes
Nichole wrote:I think one of my most satisfying S Days was quite a while ago, when I bought myself a piece of Godiva cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and shared it with my husband. Sooo delicious.
I think I've said this before, but my daughter works at The Cheesecake Factory and we're all pretty sick of cheesecake! Godiva is one of my least favorites, but I'm not a huge chocolate fan (is that unwomanly?). I don't dislike chocolate, but it can be too much pretty easily for me. I didn't notice that until fairly recently, but with the exception of brownies, I rarely make or order chocolate desserts.

Now if you want to talk about creme brulee or tiramisu...

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:24 pm
by Nichole
I'm a bit of a chocoholic.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:34 pm
by Cassie
I have to confess that my s days- a year in- still feel slightly out of control (but I've been on & off NoS this last year, before I alarm any of the new members!). I completely agree that having out of control S days doesn't feel that great at all...

Having said that, I had a nice dessert at home this Sunday lunchtime, with friends: strawberries with whipped cream & crumbled meringue. Perfect for summer. Was delicious.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:47 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I love this post! Isn't it true: just having the "go ahead" makes the "S" days so much better.
I, too, haven't YET had an S day where I have been COMPLETELY moderate, but OH so much better than the past! That's all I can hope for!
I really never thought I could be "not too much" and moderate eater. REALLY!?
It saves me so much time/energy, esp. in preparing meals and desserts for my family. I realize I don't need "special" stuff. Oh the freedom.
My "best" S day so far (I haven't been at this long) was when I took the my boys to Great Harvest like I usually do for our bread.
I actually got a sample (I always turn them down) AND a cookie to share with the boys.
I SHARED?! I never do that. Little milestones, I tell ya.
Overall, I'm learning I do best at sticking to my 3meals/day (so I remain somewhat stable) and some treats scattered about.
Couldn't be more thrilled with where my "mind is at" these days. It's about time... :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:59 am
by oolala53
I've had some wild S days. Just this last weekend. Ugh, I won't go into it.

BUT, on the good ones, I love having pancakes or waffles with syrup.

Another lovely thing is being able to eat the samples (only the ones that look really good) at a grocery store or Costco.

What I will continue to enjoy is having a handful of snack crackers (like Goldfish) in between meals. Feels so fun!

I like being able to pop something in my mouth while I make a meal- a walnut piece, a bite of carrot, just not enough to ruin the meal.

I can imagine once in awhile eating a whole bag of Trader Joe's popcorn or half a bag of cheese puffs for lunch. I tend not to have those things on N days because they take up too much room on the plate. Not enough bang for the buck, satiety-wise.

And a chocolate dessert or ice cream, usually split, because after a meal, I just don't want a whole one by myself, and I usually prefer having a meal.

These are all the things I cherish about S days and don't plan to give up unless I am absolutely sure they are what lead to the overindulging. But I don't think they are.

In terms of the meals themselves, there is no meal I would have on an S day that I wouldn't have on an N day, except for the fact that I don't eat out much on weekdays, and probably wouldn't make myself French fries, for example. But I don't forbid them to myself any time. I just enjoy other things more.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:00 pm
by Starla
^^I did not restrict S days at the beginning, and I found it paid off. Things moderated eventually, because that was how I WANTED to eat. I never have binge S days any more, although I do occasionally have ones where I overeat. From the beginning, I just haven't worried about S days and trusted that they would work themselves out. They have!

I have the same treat almost every Saturday - chocolate-covered almonds. Sometimes I eat them as soon as I get up. I love everything about them - the smooth feel of the coating in my mouth, the almondy smell, the sweet chocolate, the skin of the almond, and then the crunch and slight bitterness of the nut. It can take me a minute to eat my first one as I consciously enjoy it. Learning to enjoy those almonds was the key to S days for me. S days now mean savoring something pleasurable, not stuffing myself with sweets I don't even taste (which is how I binged for years and years and years).

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:02 pm
by wosnes
Speaking of waffles....

Over the years I've heard about chicken and waffles and they were featured at a restaurant in Harlem visited by some host on the Food Network. Some of the people I used to work with raved about them, too.

A few weeks ago I was making some fried chicken tenders and thought "why not?" On a weeknight. I was cooking only for myself, so if they weren't good, no big deal.

Oh. My. Goodness! I made them twice that week -- served with a fruit salad. I don't think I'd want it twice in a week again, nor would I want it frequently, but it was so good!

Anyway, the best thing about it (other than it tasted great)? No guilt.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:23 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Oh la la! The description of your almonds sounds heavenly...I want some...please save it for the weekend, haha!
I'm so glad you ENJOY them now, over bingeing on them. What a great feeling.
Julia: Good luck on June 15th. Regardless of what the scale says, you have succeeded in making good life-long decisions to help with food! Ummm..homemade pecan cookies and German Chocolate Cake! You're killing me! (but it IS almost the weekend!).
Keep us posted!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:16 pm
by oolala53
wosnes, I'd be curious to know what kind of sauce you used, if any on your C & W's. Syrup is out, right? Did you make the waffles from scratch? The mixes I use are rather sweet even on their own. But maybe that is part of the magic with the salty fried chicken. Actually, I'm imagining the dish with breaded roasted chicken and mushroom gravy. Plus asparagus or green beans... Gawd, N days are wonderful, too!

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:31 am
by wosnes
oolala53 wrote:wosnes, I'd be curious to know what kind of sauce you used, if any on your C & W's. Syrup is out, right? Did you make the waffles from scratch? The mixes I use are rather sweet even on their own. But maybe that is part of the magic with the salty fried chicken. Actually, I'm imagining the dish with breaded roasted chicken and mushroom gravy. Plus asparagus or green beans... Gawd, N days are wonderful, too!
I just used a little butter on the waffles and a drizzle of maple syrup over all. However, after I made it I checked a recipe that called for gravy and syrup. Since I take floating S events, using the syrup wasn't a problem. However, I've never made syrup an S day thing. I don't use it often enough or in large enough amounts to worry about it.

I don't have a waffle iron, so I used frozen waffles. Instead of putting them in the toaster, I heated them up in the oven. (I may never use the toaster again!)