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Good Habits vs. Bad Habits

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:03 am
by lbb (Liz)
So I've been thinking a lot about Habits in general, now that I'm trying to change my eating habits. I like structure. I like doing or eating the same stuff everyday. Habits work well for me...sometimes.
So I decided to look closely at the GOOD Habits I want to keep up, and the BAD Habits I want to get rid of. And then there are just the plain WEIRD habits...
What I can think of now:

I always eat 3 meals/day. Always have. Never skip breakfast.
Veggies. Fruits. Whole them and always a part of my meals.
I don't like trying just little bites of stuff or licks of things (it helps with No S).
I drink lots of water.

Diet Soda...major habit
Chewing Sugarless Gum (I must just have a habit of ALWAYS having something in my mouth...)
Finishing stuff. Usually I have to finish something completely in a package or on a plate. This can get bad.
over-salting my food
adding Crystal Lite to my water. I need to drink plain water
Going to bed too late

wearing socks at night, no matter the temp
drinking from a straw
needing to eat oatmeal every morn

What about any of you? Do you have stuff you're doing that is working well, and habits that you wouldn't mind changing? (Obviously, if you're on this site, you have stuff you want to change!)....

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:06 am
by Scrybil
lbb, your habits - both good & mine -sound exactly like mine!

That gum chewing - I'm a chain chewer. I can go without indefinitely. If I have a pack in my desk, gone in a couple of hours.

A hundred years ago, when I smoked (in a galaxy far,far away) I was equally chain-driven.

I also talk too damn much.

Apparently, oral issues.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:34 am
by sophiasapientia
The Good
Solid N Day habits w/ enjoyable, mostly non-idiotic S Day habits
Very consistent exercise habits
Overall good routine at home which nurtures DD & works well for our family life in general

The Needs Work
Don't always drink enough water
Nervous driver with highway driving phobia (this is definitely the big unresolved problem I need to focus on now that No S habits are in place)
There are times when I spend too much time surfing the web instead of doing more productive things with my free time

The Weird
I talk in my sleep and steal covers, according to my DH. And I have a tendency to gesticulate :lol: