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commit to one month

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:58 pm
by aGAgirl1
Hi, everyone. I have been toying with this plan on and off for about one year. I've never stuck with it for more than a week or two. I always give up, not because the plan is difficult, but because I think it's too easy and livablel to work. So, I did another stint with WW and lost around 8 pounds and put them right back on. So maybe if I'd have stuck with NoS for this past year I'd be a little lighter by now. I always think with WW points that I know I can lose if I stick with it, but it is frustratingly hard to stick with for more than a few days. So, I have to make myself stick this out for at least a month to really give it a fair shot. I am my own worst enemy and my mind starts thinking that there's a quicker or better way. Apparently there isn't a better way. I guess I just wanted to declare in "public" that I am committing to one month. We'll see what happens.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:04 pm
by Grammy G
Welcome back..your story is like so many of us here! Good luck.. don't make this harder than it is! :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:16 am
by lbb (Liz)
You can do this!
Keep logging in and stay accountable! We'll support you!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:13 am
by wosnes
Welcome back and not only can you do this, but it will work.

I'd give it longer than a month -- maybe 3 or even 6 months. This isn't a quick weight loss plan, but it's likely to be more sustainable weight loss.

I think it's more sustainable because you don't do anything different to maintain the weight loss than you did to lose it. It's something you can do for a lifetime.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:46 pm
by oliviamanda
I agree with wosnes. As soon as I read the original post, I was thinking, one month is what'll take just to get in the groove. Personally, I use No S as a framework for my eating, but I know I need to move also in order to burn the calories and lose weight. Good luck!

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:25 pm
by oolala53
I don't want to inundate you with too much. Go ahead and think of a month at a time, but I also want you to consider how long overeating has been a problem for you, how much you overeat at a time, whether it's double French fries at lunch or a half gallon of ice cream at a sitting several days a week, and just how truly at the end of your rope you are. (The last two were me.) All I mean is there are a lot of variables that go into how fast this will stick. If it's not a breeze and hasn't lost you a lot of weight after a month, it is not proof that it isn't your best option. Personally, I realized that I had spent 40 years looking for the plan that was going to take a few weeks or possibly months to get easy. It never happened. I accepted that it would likely take a year of 80-90% compliance before I could say I had given it a chance. (This was also after having failed at No S any more than two 21-day stints over 14 months.) Therefore, I had to choose a plan that sounded reasonable for a year. Compared to everything else, it did, but I did start not believing I could go 5 days without sugar. However, I did for about 12 straight weeks! So much for if you think you can't, you can't.

That being said, welcome! You really are in the right place. Don't purposely eat "diet" meals, but don't be surprised if some of your meals as time goes on aren't something like a WW meal plus a snack in one sitting. That's what mine often are just because I like the mix of crunch to have about half of my meal as vegetables and a piece of fruit. I knew even before No S that even if I let myself eat whatever I wanted, I wasn't always going to choose a plate of pizza. It's too filling and I don't feel my best afterwards. Plus, I don't get hungry for the next meal and I love getting hungry for that meal! That's the simple truth. But it's out of choice, not because it's all that's allowed. So different!


When are you starting this month?

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:08 pm
by batty
I'm in too, but I have problems with starting things on the 1st, on Mondays, etc.

I'd like to bite the bullet and begin a month right now, except it's an S day!

I don't care about that today, though. I just need to get started, to feel like I've started and committed to throwing all the diets away and finally committing to something I can do without a bunch of hassle, equipment, limitations of types of foods, etc.

So, today, Saturday, an S day, and the last week of the month, June 26th: I'm starting now to eat no snacks, no sweets, no seconds.

On July 26th I'll have a good look at my progress. Until then, I think I better get me a personal track record going here on the blogs!!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:48 pm
by oolala53
Batty, you might consider giving yourself one S-event each day this weekend just so you don't have to go 7 days of No S your first week. Remember, some people start just by incorporating one S at a time.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:55 pm
by wosnes
Batty, an S day is the perfect time to start -- you cannot fail on an S day.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:28 am
by Blondie
What I found is that once I had the habit down, then I could fool around more with stricter rules. Meaning, you may not lose at first, but you'll train yourself to skip dessert, snacks, and seconds, and then you can try to cut calories by eating healthier, cutting out junk food, etc.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:01 pm
by aGAgirl1
Thanks for all your replies! I check these boards everyday, though I don't always post. Best to all of you!!