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Ready to go

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:39 am
by Foxtrotter
Okay, after lurking for a month and kicking the diet soda habit, I'm ready to start NoS. Notice I'm starting on a Friday -- surely I can do one day of no snacks/sugar/seconds before the weekend!

I'm looking to lose 20 lbs to start. At my tall height, that will be about a dress size. 40 lbs eventually would make me freaking ecstatic. But even better will be fixing my relationship with food.

I must say this board seems very wise and supportive.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:55 am
by lbb (Liz)
welcome! i'm somewhat new to this, but "no s" has been such a sound, practical way of life.
i suggest you stick to it! it takes time, i'm realizing, for sure, but it's worth it!
okay so how the heck did you quit diet soda? i'm the biggest addict there is. i don't know if i want to quit bad enough, though. love it.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:13 pm
by Foxtrotter
The caffeine was killing me. I just weaned down using seltzer water -- carbonated water with no salt, sugar, etc. I realized I was enjoying the "burn" of the carbonation way more than the flavor of the diet soda. I still have one diet Pepsi every morning to wake up, and that's it. Saves a lot of $$$ too.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:29 pm
by Grammy G
Glad you quit lurking and joined the fun :D Good for you for kicking the soda habit! I never was much of a soda drinker but, every so often I MUST have a Coke..not Pepsi..only regular ol' Coke! I buy the little cans and that is all I need and then i can move on. Did you ever try "S.Pellegrino sparkling natural mineral water"? It is bottled in Italy and is usually with the other mineral waters at my market. The nice thing about it, besides tasting good!, is that is contains calcium ..4% of daily need per serving. A friend pointed that out to me when we were both buying it. I see that as an added bonus.
Remember to be kind to yourself and not to expect perfection from day one. Listen to the pod casts when you have time and buy the book so you can turn to it any time. Don't make this harder than it is..something so many of us tend to do.
Good luck!

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:29 pm
by Scrybil
Hi Foxtrotter - welcome - yes we ARE sane & supportive. Or at least supportive.

Looking forward to getting to know you!

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:48 pm
by oolala53
My first day this round (almost 6 months now) was also a Friday! However, I was on a trip, and I actually tend to eat better on trips, so I didn't go overboard that weekend. And, miraculously, I was ready for more N days on Monday.

Be as tough as you need to be to get your 5 days of N days a week under your belt. It will really make things so much easier. Reinhard says "fence around the law." I learned from sitting in meditation that the first fidget is usually the beginning of the end of stillness. Just say nyet! It's not worth it not to be strict, especially when it's not like someone is asking you to cut off your own little finger or something. Try to see it as funny, if you can. "I'm hungry and I have myself convinced this is intolerable and unfair and horrible! How ridiculous! I'm just hungry. I'm a grown up. I can wait to eat!"