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Oprah Winfrey

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:16 pm
by AnnaBanana
Hi... I don't post much but am a rabid NoS believer and follower... :)

Anyway, this has probably been discussed before... but anyone seen the new way of eating Oprah has embraced? It VERY much resembles this way of life, at least in the sense of making peace with food. I'm so happy she's going down that road. Maybe it'll get the word out even more. Reinhard... you NEED to be on her show. You are brilliant :)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:40 am
by DaveMc
It's been tried ... somewhere here there's a thread where somebody posted the link to Oprah's suggest-a-guest site. It didn't work, alas, but we could keep trying ...

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:42 pm
by Too solid flesh
DaveMc wrote:It's been tried ... somewhere here there's a thread where somebody posted the link to Oprah's suggest-a-guest site. It didn't work, alas, but we could keep trying ...
This is the thread:

The idea was mooted previously, too.

The link for making recommendations to the programme is:

Re: Oprah Winfrey

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:20 am
by kassabma
LauraAnn wrote:Hi... I don't post much but am a rabid NoS believer and follower... :)

Anyway, this has probably been discussed before... but anyone seen the new way of eating Oprah has embraced? It VERY much resembles this way of life, at least in the sense of making peace with food. I'm so happy she's going down that road. Maybe it'll get the word out even more. Reinhard... you NEED to be on her show. You are brilliant :)
Do you know what Oprah is calling her new way of eating? Just wondering if she is pushing it under a certain name or program. I think that Oprah is wonderful for making her struggles with her weight and her relationship with food so public - she is bringing the issue to light when most celebs or other public figures wouldn't dare to delve into something so sensitive and personal. I truly hope she finds her "happy place" with food and can, as you noted, "make peace with food."

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:41 pm
by reinhard
I haven't seen Oprah's new way.

Anyone have a link to a succinct description of it?

I'm happy to hear it's no-s-like. Actual, name-brand No-s would be nicer for my ego (and my wallet), but if people just wind up eating sensibly again that'll make me happy too. :-)


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:08 pm
by mimi
It's Geneen Roth's Women, Food, and God...from Oprah's website:

"But after all these years, Oprah says she's finally found the answer. "I have come across something so profound that I think [to everybody] who's ever felt that it's a losing battle, here is an opportunity to win. This has literally broken me open when it comes to my relationship with food, because if you struggle with your weight, what we're about to share with you today might be actually the first time in your life that you begin to understand the real reasons you are fat and allow those reasons to be a miracle for your life."

The discovery in question is author Geneen Roth's new best-selling book, Women, Food, and God. Readers say it's helping to free them from the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting by getting to the core of why they're overweight."

Personally Reinhard, NoS is the better path to follow in my humble opinion...

Mimi :D

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:48 am
by TunaFishKid
I haven't read this new book, but I'm familiar with Geneen Roth, and she's all about "intuitive eating" which is very different from No S. I tried it and drove myself crazy. You spend all your time asking yourself "Am I hungry?", and "Have I had enough to eat?". I had no idea! If I did, I wouldn't be overeating, lol.

I'm afraid Reinhard and No S will never get on Oprah, because it's too sensible and traditional. Oprah's all about the woo-woo.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:36 pm
by BrightAngel
RE: Geneen Roth's new book, Women, Food, and God
Some of you know that part of my maintenance is to make dieting into a pleasurable hobby.
That is a book I bought and read, as I do with almost all new best-selling diet books.
The information inside is identical to her lectures in her week long workshops,
one of which I paid for and attended in 2009.

Essentially, since I was present at her workshops,
I gained even more evidence about intuitive eating
and how it affects people,
my own, (rather harsh) opinion is that 'it is a load of crap'.

I spent many years in Trial Practice while Specializing as a Family Law Attorney,
and I believe I've developed quite a useful inner Truth rader
while observing people's speech and behavior.
After meeting Geenen, watching her and listening to her lectures etc.
I believe that many of her personal statements
about her own experiences and the experiences of others, "bend the truth",
which she mentally justifies by thinking it will help others
while helping her futher her personal goals of fame and financial success.

I saw quite a lot of fat people there who've come to her (quite expensive) workshops year after year.
and many, many more fat people who've just grown fatter doing intuitive eating.
Out of about 100 people there, I saw zero formerly obese people
who had lost much weight or maintained weight-loss by intuitive eating.

The only people I saw who appeared to benefit from that type of eating,
were relatively normal people, who merely went into the overweight,
or borderline obese category for awhile,
and probably would have returned to normal weight
by consistently doing anything to downsize their overeating.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:01 pm
by kccc
I just read the same book. I don't have experience with her prior work, but still had the feeling this book was a bit "recycled." And I agree with BA that the approach is not likely to be productive as presented - as a total solution.

My take on the content is that it might be a useful mechanism for self-inquiry as an ADD ON to a more structured foundation for eating, but that I wouldn't rely on it as a foundation in itself.

With that said, there are some aspects I liked and am intentionally incorporating into my own approach to eating. But hey... I DO have a firm foundation in No-S already. ;)

I think it belongs in the "20% you can mess with after you have the 80% basics down" category.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:11 pm
by AnnaBanana
Sorry I didn't get back sooner to answer, Reinhard. I wrote the original post.

I guess what struck me was in her magazine article and was that she is making peace with food and enjoying it again. That's what NoS did for me. It was a HUGE gift.

I agree that IU is rather tricky. But I DO believe understanding some of your emotional drives to eat is critical for a lot of folks.

I believed that, combined with NoS, is the PERFECT way to handle things. If you read on her website, some women are still struggling. I think NoS would give them some loose rules to incorporate while working on emotional issues.

I guess what struck me about the article in "O" was that Oprah is isn't fighting things anymore and is at peace. That, at least to me, coincides very much with what NoS has done for me.

But I come from a binge eating perspective and realize everyone is different.