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Dumb it down for me a bit----(N days)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:28 am
by Dietlife
I know this question probably gets pretty tiresome, but indulge me if you please. What does your diet look like on N days.

I sort of have two speeds--either I am eating like feast day in Caligula, or I am dining on egg whites and spinach. I need to find a happy medium here. To me, eating a whole sandwich for lunch means I have thrown catioun to the wind and am living La Vida Loca. I can't imagine being on a diet where I got to actually partake in a sandwich and have it be okay. Do you put mayo on it? Or do you try to keep it on the down low with just mustard, turkey and some vegies?


Tough Love

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:45 am
by Big Phil
Just have a sandwhich.

Don't overthink it, have a sandwhich with whatever you want on it, enjoy it and then wait until dinner for your next meal.

It really isn't any more difficult than that - it's just diet books and advice on TV have convinced us it is more difficult.

All the Best,


Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:50 am
by MerryKat
I agree with Phil, don't over think it.

For me most days my sandwiches are just one filling - quick and easy to bring to work. But if I have a salad sandwich I will generally have cheese and mayo - something I would never have done before No S. I am finally learning to enjoy what I am eating and not just eat things because they are low points (I am ex-WW) or no carb or whatever you are used to obsessing over.

Enjoy your food and you will find that everyday you will be less obsessive about food.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:45 am
by carolejo
Breakfast for me on an N day is something like -

bowl of leftover curry and rice,
or porridge oats mixed with peanut butter and a spoonful of jam or maple syrup
or Cheese and ham toasties - 2 rounds (4 slices of bread, 2 slices of ham, 2 slices of cheese)
or 2 boiled eggs, an apple and an orange
or Quinoa porridge (quinoa boiled in a little vegetable bullion, sometimes I add raisins and / or apple pieces too)
- there are of course other options and the almost limitless variations that come from being able to EAT NORMALLY without worrying about it.

Lunch - Typically soup or sandwiches or leftovers from yesterday's dinner heated up in the microwave.

Dinner - Where do I start? Well, last night I had 2 rashers of bacon, a can of plum tomatoes, an avocado and 2 slices of toast.
The day before it was roast pork with sweet potato mash, green beans and broccoli.
Before that - Lasagne and salad.

Don't overthink it. Don't worry about it. Yes, you're NOT going to lose 6 pounds in 6 days by doing this, but you also won't make yourself ill or make yourself miserable either. Go for 'sustainable'.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:34 pm
by JWL
The point of No-S is to fully enjoy your meals, within the limit of "plateful." Eat real, normal, good, healthy food, just eat less of it. Get rid of all your ideas about low-fat, sugar-free, fake-chemical-laden-"health"-food, etc. Just eat, make sure it's good, whole, nutritious food, and keep it to one plate.

Enjoy your sandwich. Put mayo on. While you are savoring every bite, allow yourself to be filled by it.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:52 pm
by Sandy
It certainly is a freedom to eat exactly what you want at your meals. One of my indulgences is “real” potato chips; I use to eat the low fat brand because I couldn’t stop myself from eating the entire bag. Nowadays I put some on my plate, I don’t go back for more and I’m more than satisfied. Plus the bag lasts me a month. I have also noticed that most of my meals are healthy. I was like you – feast or famine – now I eat what I want, and more importantly what makes me feel good. Tonight I am having a salad for dinner and I can’t wait – because I use dressing I really like. I threw out all my diet books. I’m losing 1-2 pounds a month but I only have 10.5 pounds to go to reach what I feel is my goal weight.

I love eating 3 meals a day, it frees up your mind!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:32 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yay Sandy!!!!!
Excellent employment of real potato chips!
And congrats on being so close to your ideal weight!!!

I'm happy for you!
(and look forward to posting similar news myself within another year or so!)

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:47 pm
by Dietlife
Thank you all--all of this info is great. I had nice turkey sandwich in half of a pita with lots vegies and a smidge of mayo. I am trying to eat more dairy products, so I had one slice of cheese, too. All that and an apple made for a great, healthy lunch--and now I don't need to worry about messing up with snacks--I just have dinner to look forward to.

I realized in the past when I would try to eat only "diet" sandwiches by only eating mustard on it (I actually hate mustard!!) I would eventually give up the diet just so I could have a normal sandwich with a little mayo. It is not like I eat tons of mayo--just one teaspoon is fine, but I would start to miss it, and decide the diet wasn't worth it. That is why this is a better plan for me.

I appreciate all of your replies.


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:06 am
by carolejo
Hi Lisa,

Perhaps you really have the appetite of a bird, but HALF a pitta...? There's no way that would sustain me for 6 hours or so! I generally eat 2 stuffed pittas at a sitting (they fit on the plate fine) if I'm just having those, or I'll eat one with some fruit and potato crisps.

I'm glad you got to eat and enjoy it the way you like it, but I'm really worried that you're still trying to eat 'diet' portions. if this is really all you need to eat, then great, but please be careful.


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:32 pm
by Sandy
I have to chime in here…..I always eat diet portions because I feel better when I do (more energy). Everyone is different and I think you have to feel your way around to see how your body responds. I also still look at labels to try and buy the best tasting food without going overboard on calories. When I go to restaurants I always take half my meal home because I know I’m full. Someone said it on this board “food is just a memory” (take a bow and take credit for whoever said this) because it is so true, whether you eat half a sandwich or two sandwiches – five minutes after your done the memory is the same. The only difference is whether you are disgustingly full or happily full!

Another helpful hint, right after dinner – brush, floss and gargle, you will not snack on anything.

P.S. Deb, thanks always for your inspiration and helpful posts. I saw your yoga pictures and you are a beautiful woman inside and out!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:15 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Aw shucks Lisa!
Thank you for your kind words.. :wink:

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:52 pm
by carolejo
Hi Sandy and everyone,

Just wanted to clarify that I wasn't being judgemental about what and how much people eat :) Sometimes it can be hard to write something and have it sound the way I meant it. Please don't anyone take offense 8) I only meant that if that was all I ate for a meal, personally I'd be climbing the walls well before dinnertime :lol:

Sandy, your point is very valid and a sensible one. I certainly wouldn't eat so much that I felt stuffed uncomfortable either and everyone is different, right? Personally, I never pay any attention to the calorie content of anything but I do read the ingredients lists and try to buy the healthiest, freshest and tastiest food I can find, for all that.


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:58 pm
by peetie
I have the capacity of a truck driver! I have to be sure I eat enough and not unconsciously eat too little in an attempt to lose a little more. It always catches up with me when I do that, so I, like you, have to pay attention to make sure I eat enough, and that it will sustain me til the next meal.

So, I totally get where you were coming from. I would LOVE to have your capacity, Sandy!!! I am so jealous of people who can be satisfied on smaller amounts.

I think I must have been a sumo wrestler in another life.


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:33 pm
by Dietlife
I liked your input, Carolejo! Please don't worry about that. That is the kind of support I need. I want you to always feel free to give your opinion, because that is helpful to me.

I actually did take a baby step away from the diet train by eating the cheese. I was still hungry after my sandwich and apple, and had a slice of 140 calorie cheese that I would NEVER have had on a diet--and that was enought to put me at full.

I have never really been a big eater. We go out ot eat on Saturday nights as a family, and I almost always take half of my plate home. For me, my uncontrolled calories come from sweets, usually. I am the type of girl who can polish off half a sheet cake in one day. I can go through a box of See's candy like it is my last day on earth. If I have a bag of double chocolate Milano cookies, I can easily eat 6-7, rather than 1-2.

I have not yet learned to discipline myself with sweets--and I am 40. Part of this discipline will be earned by sitting down to eat an actual sandwich--like I did yesterday. I was full until almost dinner--and when sat down to eat the pot roast I made for the family it tasted *really* good.
And it was such a relief not to have to try and calculate the calories for that pot roast!! I just ate one serving and moved on. I hate doing those tiresome calculations of points and calories--it sucks all the life out of life and eating.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:33 pm
by Shameless Hussey
LisainCalifornia wrote:I hate doing those tiresome calculations of points and calories--it sucks all the life out of life and eating.
Amen, sister! :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:39 pm
by cvmom

The craving for sugar will go away.

I have to stick to the plate thing. I find that some days I need to have more on the plate and other days I just eat less.

I was a total cookie fiend. I probably was borderline obsessed with cookies. But, I swear, I can't remember the last time I had one. Seriously.

The longer I do this, the less I tend to over do it on the S days. Because I find that if I go nuts with sugar on S days that my body feels kind of sick. Sometimes I don't even feel good until the following Wednesday. So, I am a bit more picky about it.

But, for crying out loud, eat your sandwich and love that cheese!!! And Mayo. Mustard just doesn't taste too good on a sandwich, does it???? Eat what you want. Enjoy it and then watch your body get back into balance.


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:44 pm
by gratefuldeb67

I have to pipe up in defense of mustard...
I love it! Especially dijon.... But I like having it *and* mayo....

Oh.. unless it's a pastrami sandwich...
Then I'm a purist...
Mustard and rye...
No white bread, and mayo for pastrami sandwiches!
(Ala "Annie Hall" ) LOL....

Oooooh.. I could eat one of those some time soon!!!!!!

Have a nice day!
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:54 am
by Jammin' Jan
I love mustard, too, especially the spicy brown deli kind. What I really like is to put lite mayo on one side of the sandwich and deli mustard on the other. Creamy, but with a little bite...oh yum!

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:51 am
by Dietlife
Okay--I do like mustard on a hot dog! Poor mustard--it is much maligned in the world of condiments. Mayo gets all the glory, while mustard is left in the dust in all it's golden glory.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:20 am
by kellenheller
Sweet hot mustard is my secret weapon.

It makes just about anything taste amazing. I especially like it with baked turkey tenderloin, or salmon cakes.

I was always a mayo girl, but I will choose the sweet hot mustard over mayo for a sammich now.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:18 am
by cvmom
I'm with KellenHeller.

That sweet sticky spicy kind of mustard is great. With crackers or Jarlsberg cheese.

But, no go on the sammies for me.

Deb, I think I'm going to have a Reuben this weekend. Thanks for the reminder.


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:01 pm
by MerryKat
Just to stick an oar in things! You can keep the mayo - Mustard Rulz!!!

We never have fights in our house - DH loves may and I love mustard.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:57 am
by BrightAngel
What to eat. The ultimate question.

What to eat in No S is a very individual matter,
and this is what makes it work.

Some of us are very small and some are very large.
Some of us are more active than others.
There's a wide range of differences between our bodies,
and there's even more differences between our tastes.

As for me,
Even during the brief time I've been on no s, it has become very clear to me
that if I ate one plate of my favorite foods
(which are laden with cheese and butter, refined carbs, and fatty meats etc)
three times a day, I would not maintain my current weight.

I know this because I count calories, using my Diet Power food journeling software program.
Because I have recorded all of my food for the past 1339 consecutive days,
I know approx how many calories my own body uses daily,
and I also know how many calories are in 3 plates of the kind of high calorie dense foods I like.

I've stated many times that I LIKE counting calories,
and I ENJOY using my habit of using Diet Power.
That isn't true of everyone,
but almost everyone on no s has already learned a lot of general calorie information from their previous diets,
and we all need to remember that information in implementing no s for our personal use.

Doing No S doesn't mean to stick one's head in the sand like an Ostrich
and ignore everything learned over the years about calories,
Anyone who chose to do that would be acting like an Idiot.
We need to use basic common sense along with no s.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:09 pm
by bonnieUK
A very typical N day for me looks like:

1 bowl of quick oats with soya milk, ground flaxseeds, raisins and cinnamon.

Hummous and salad sandwich (made with 2 slices of thick wholegrain bread).

Handfull of nuts

1 small apple, 1 small banana.

2 homemade veggie burgers
small serving of potatoes (topped with olive oil)
Salad (almost half the plate) with olive oil dressing
A thick chunk of home made bread with hummous

The only restriction on what I eat is being a vegan, but this is a lifestyle choice rather than related to weight.

Before No S, I was eating pretty much the same thing on a weekday day, plus snacks and seconds (and occasionally sweets), cutting out this extra without changing the core of what I eat has certainly triggered loss of extra weight. I've not even changed portion sizes.

Hope that is helpful in some way :)

p.s. I guess I should note that I'm female, fairly light framed and not very active - someone bigger and more active than me would no doubt need more food, and probably more protein and fat.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:34 pm
by fkwan
Two months ago half a pita (I assume you mean a large one) would be a bird portion for me as well.

Now about a cup or so, or half a sandwich, is a meal. That's because if I eat more, I get so grossly full I can barely move. I let my stomach tell me when it's done. When it's full, I stop. I could NEVER do this before.

I could NOT do this with sugar, but as I've mentioned before, once I gave it up, I really, really didn't want it anymore. Things like French fries and tater tots are unfortunately still a problem, so I measure them and count calories where they are concerned.

Typical meals:

B: cereal, protein powder, flax, fruit, nonanimal milk

L: Salad, protein (my husband's scratch faux meats, beans, tofu), fruit

D: Protein (kinds as above), mixed cooked veggies, fruit


Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:39 pm
by Nichole
B: Cereal
L: Lean Cuisine
D: One plate of whatever.

Lots of water and tea sweetened with Splenda.

What's really helped me is my check-in with my good friend Blamey and I pretty much listen to whatever Reinhard, wosnes, and NoelFigart say. They make the most sense to me and give pretty good advice :).

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:39 pm
by fkwan
Nichole wrote: What's really helped me is my check-in with my good friend Blamey and I pretty much listen to whatever Reinhard, wosnes, and NoelFigart say. They make the most sense to me and give pretty good advice :).
I'll second that. My upper arms so heart Noel. :)


Re: Dumb it down for me a bit----(N days)

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:12 pm
by CatholicCajun
LisainCalifornia wrote:I know this question probably gets pretty tiresome, but indulge me if you please. What does your diet look like on N days.

I sort of have two speeds--either I am eating like feast day in Caligula, or I am dining on egg whites and spinach. I need to find a happy medium here. To me, eating a whole sandwich for lunch means I have thrown catioun to the wind and am living La Vida Loca. I can't imagine being on a diet where I got to actually partake in a sandwich and have it be okay. Do you put mayo on it? Or do you try to keep it on the down low with just mustard, turkey and some vegies?

Hello Lisa,
Look on the post for 100 pounds to lose on this board, some of us post our daily menus, also check our daily check in menus, which is in the Daily Check in boards, thats where I have gotten some ideas from. God Bless.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:43 am
by kccc
The daily check-ins have menus (at least, my thread does).

General pattern is carb, protein, veg. For most meals, veg/fruit fill half the plate - breakfast is the exception.


Breakfast - old-fashioned oatmeal (I pre-soak it in milk overnight in the fridge, so I can just heat it quickly in the a.m. - or just eat it cold in summer) with a handful of mixed dried fruit and nuts (a favorite trail mix) and perhaps a banana or OJ, plus coffee with milk and sugar.

Lunch - Entree (carbs and protein), 2 veggies/fruits. Usually leftovers.

Dinner - same as lunch, except it makes the leftovers. :)

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:16 am
by CrazyCatLady
Just FYI (for your information), this was an older thread brought up to the front page. So "LisainCalifornia" had posted her question in 2006! In fact, when I clicked on her profile, her last posts were in 2006.

Hopefully she continued No S-ing, and is healthy as can be by now! We can certainly respond to the question for the sake of discussion, and to help other people understand how we are dealing with No S! :D

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:26 am
by kccc

There have been a lot of very old threads brought to the front. Some I recognize, some I don't.

Many of them are worth a re-read, even if I have seen them before.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 3:22 am
by CrazyCatLady
:D When I first started No S-ing, I read all the old threads over the first month or so! They still hold a lot of great info!