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Birthday S days

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:18 am
by DaveMc
A year ago, I was about a month and a half in to doing NoS when my birthday came along -- on a Saturday. The injustice! It landed on a day that was *already* an S day, how unfair! I wrote a rather plaintive post to the forum asking if people thought I could grant myself an extra S day to compensate for the birthday-on-Saturday thing. The response, as I recall, was along the lines of "Of course you can do whatever you want. But no." [I didn't take an extra S day, but it felt like a hardship.]

What a difference a year makes ... My birthday just passed, this time on a Sunday. :) My reaction this time was completely different, however: I feel like, "Hey, I already get two S days *every week*, plus some sort of holiday or the like, about once a month. That's *plenty*." The fact that I won't get an extra S day out of my birthday until 2011 no longer seems like a terrible joke by a cruel universe -- I have all the S days I need!

And my birthday on Sunday was a fairly "gone wild" S day: we went to a buffet, and I ate considerable amounts of food. Though come to think of it, even that has changed: by "going wild", I now mean that I had *two* whole plates of food, plus a plate of dessert. That's no worse than what I would have done, a year and a half ago, on any non-special occasion.

ADDENDUM: I just checked back, and it turns out that this question about birthdays was in fact my *very first* post to this forum. Here's the thread, if anyone is interested: ... ght=#66120

What amuses me is that near the bottom of that thread, I made the very same claim I'm making here, namely that I wasn't desperate for extra S days. I was lying. :) Or at least, stretching the truth: I wasn't so desperate that I gave into the temptation to take an extra day, but it certainly wasn't easy!

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:59 pm
by Starla
Happy Birthday! As always, I got quite a kick out of both your posts; your posts make me laugh on a regular basis.

I find that my birthdays are usually celebrated on more than one day (work, friends and family), and I feel free to take an S day for any of those celebratory days not falling on a Saturday or Sunday. I don't take a lot of NWS days, and I don't worry about S days in the first place, so I don't think it's a big deal. Aren't you glad I wasn't posting a year ago? I would have given the OK to take an S day, and you would have missed the satisfaction of passing it up!

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:06 pm
by kccc
Happy Birthday, Dave!

I always enjoy your posts a great deal - glad you've become part of this "tough crowd." :)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:37 pm
by Too solid flesh
Many happy returns!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:09 pm
by Tiggycat
I'm new to No S and after reading this I just actually checked my calendar to be sure my birthday, anniversary, etc. weren't on Saturday or Sunday - they aren't, whew!

I'm worried I'll be one of the 'cousin's hamster's birthday' kind of followers, so I've decided I'll only allow two S days a month besides Saturdays and Sundays, and if I 'need' more than two in a month I'll 'trade' a weekend day for the extra one(s).