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New to No S

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:37 pm
by NERunner
Hello everyone! I read the No S book last year and liked the idea of the "diet". I'm an avid runner and love to exercise, but I've always had problems with my eating habits. I usually eat a healthy breakfast and lunch, but after dinner I don't stop eating until I go to bed. I also LOVE sweets, and one cookie turns into the whole package. I also tend to do that with salty foods...chips, pretzels, etc, a normal sized portion turns into the whole bag.

I've given up sweets for an extended period before and had great results. The problem was trying to eat them in moderation, that never seems to work for me. I re-read the book a couple weeks ago and decided to give this a try. I'm on day 10, and so far so good. I didn't go crazy on the weekend, just a couple of sweets as snacks. I did eat a snack last night, but it wasn't slice of a frozen pizza.

I don't have a lot to lose, about 10 pounds, but I want to develop better eating habits because I'm not getting any younger and I know metabolism slows as we age. I hope posting here helps keep me accountable. Thanks!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:09 pm
by Too solid flesh
Greetings, NERunner!