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Wow, this diet has help me realize...

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:12 am
by jellybeans01
what an emotional eater I am. Shame on Me! I never thought I was one of those people. Today was an off day, I was angry about a situation, stressed with my three little ones and I really just cought myself wanting to snack it all away. A confession, I have had lots of extra bites today, but I stopped myself and will consider this still a successful day because normally under these circumstances I would have made it an eat eat and just go ahead eat day.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:26 pm
by Too solid flesh
Well done for noticing, and catching yourself.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:18 am
by janie47
I think you did great when you decided that you were going to stop taking all those bites! I have trouble with stopping if I even eat a bite of something I shouldn't! I am also an emotional eater!!

I know little ones can be difficult! Hang in there!!


Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:12 pm
by kccc
Too solid flesh wrote:Well done for noticing, and catching yourself.
Agreed. Congratulations on this very powerful realization.

Re: Wow, this diet has help me realize...

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:06 am
by harpista
jellybeans01 wrote:Shame on Me! I never thought I was one of those people.
This is just how I see things:

Only be ashamed if you lie to yourself about it. If it's a failure, mark it and move on... be proud to be honest, and try to gently determine where you went astray.

IME, being kind to yourself (including how you talk to/about you), will actually reduce your propensity to do the emotional eating schtick. I can beat myself up, emotionally, better than anyone else, and that just makes my problem feel worse (and more hopeless, and more like a half a bag of nacho chips). But somewhere I came across the idea that I should not speak to myself in any way that I would not speak to a friend, a child or someone who is elderly. I wouldn't hold myself up as any kind of example... but it's an idea which is helping me.

I also think maybe you are upset because you have a, dare I say this?, prejudice against "those people." I really don't want to anger you by saying that, only suggest that you might want to consider it as a possible problem, in that it makes it more difficult for you to view yourself and others with compassion.

I hate writing these comments; I am hardly qualified to pontificate. But if you were my friend, I'd say you needed a hug, not a scolding, and I wanted to suggest that, so to speak, you hug yourself instead of scolding yourself. In any case, at least please accept my good wishes :)