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New meds messing with my noS

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:12 am
by Murphysraven
My doc just started me on some new meds to treat pcos. I took my first dose yesterday and was sick as a dog all this morning. My roommate who uses the same drug for his diabetes (metformin) has strongly suggested ramping slowly up to the dosage my doc wants me on instead of trying to jump into the full dose first day. Also to keeping some small amount of food in me at all times to counter the nausia and stomach cramping effect for the first 2-4 weeks.

I am going to be putting NoS on hold till I can get a handle on this new drug. I guess the plus side of these meds is that they really kill your appetite. I had to force myself to eat 1 piece of toast with some cottage cheese this afternoon. Dinner was small portion of a salad wrapped with a tortia.

I am going to attempt to cut my 1 plate meals in half and eat each half about 2 -3 hour apart. Hopefully this will help with the upset tummy. Still going to avoid sweets till the weekend if I still actually crave them. I don't think seconds are going to be an issue at the point but i'll keep and eye out for how much i am really putting into my body.

My main concern is not maintaining that 3 meal habit. I was just starting to get my body trained to expect only 3 meals. I know NoS doesn't have a strict meal limit, but to me i feel staying with 3 meals is best in the long run.

It's still only the second day of the prescription so i hope to adjust soon and be able to be a strict vanilla noser again.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:55 am
by ThomsonsPier
I think your plan is very wise. I have little personal experience with medication side effects, but know a great many who do. Those who are the healthiest adopt a similar approach to yours and tend to return to normal functioning soonest.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:21 pm
by emd1212
Are you taking metformin? It sounds like it. I take metformin in the extended release formula, which is one dose once a day (with dinner). Talk to your doc about switching to this one; I have almost no side effects on the extended release version.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:23 pm
by Murphysraven
yes metformin is what I am on. I'll talk to the doc about extended release and she what she says. So far I have not had any other episodes of throwing up. and my nausia has been manageable since I made the change to ramp up my dose slowly over the course of a few weeks.

I've found out that I don't actually have to take my pills spread out throught the day. once my body can handle the dosage I can take them all at once or twice a day if that works better for me.

I have noticed appetite changes. I am hardly hungry in between meals, and sometimes not even at meals anymore. I wasn't able to keep up with my plan of splitting my meals and eating them 2-3 hours apart. Maybe nos is so ingrained now that more then 2-3 meals just is counter intuative.

I did have a few N days where ice cream was involved. and even though I was "off" nos while my body adjusted. It still felt like cheating because the ice cream was not to help settle my stomach but really just a treat I let myself have.

Other then a few ice cream slip up days I've actually been nos'ing pretty unconsciously. So I think it's safe to put myself back on the plan to help my will power with that oh so tempting ice cream.