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Doin' it again

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:22 am
by scottwblack
I discovered No S sometime in 2005 and thought it was a clever, minimalist way to limit calories and lose weight. Of course, that didn't mean that I bothered to incorporate it into my daily life. I read the web site over and over, but didn't try it out myself until Hurricane Katrina kicked me from New Orleans to lovely Austin, TX.

I knew it would work if I gave it a true try, but I was depressed and no doubt suffering from some sort of post-traumatic stress syndrome. So, instead of following the program and dropping pounds, I binged and gained weight. A lot of weight. By May of 2010 I'd reached 290 lbs., which at 6'0" is close to morbidly obese.

At that time, with some inspiration from a co-worker who was (and still is) in the midst of major weight loss, I began to experiment with different ways of eating. I tried slow carb dieting, intermittent fasting and then, finally, No S again.

Using these different methods I was able to lose 45 lbs. I liked No S so much that I decided to make it my program of choice. October 4th will be my first "official" day back on No S. I plan to follow it to lose another 65 lbs. Hopefully I can accomplish this before I turn 43 on July 9, 2011.

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:38 am
by oolala53
Congrats on your changes. And welcome back to No S. There are people here who incorporate the ideas from your other programs into No S. I'm sticking with Vanilla for now. Peace with food to us all.

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:29 am
by Jammin' Jan
As another No-S-er who is "doin' it again"......Welcome back!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:13 pm
by marygrace
Good luck! And I'm happy to see another Austinite on this board =)

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:15 am
by scottwblack
Thanks, all.

I think that I've got it down this time. Well, N-days at least. S-days are going to take a little more work, as I have a tendency to binge on the weekends. Guess I need to listen to that "S-days Gone Wild" podcast again!

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:59 pm
by reinhard
Welcome back, Scott!

Sounds like you've been through a lot. I hope you find a no-s a helpful too in getting yourself back where you want to be.

I think the biggest challenge with S-days is not letting yourself get too upset by them. Excesses will happen. They happen to me. Keep the focus on N-day compliance, make little environmental tweaks like not having giant tubs of sugar crap around the house to mindlessly gorge yourself with on S-days (instead, go out for a fancy desert, etc), and shrug off inevitable S-day excesses that happen despite this.


I'm back too!

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:42 pm
by Pkendrick
:D Hello! I'm a first time poster - long-time reader. I've NO S'd a while ago. Did it heavily in 09 and now I'm back to it. In perspective, I'm 5'3 and 185lbs. Eek. I'm thick but proportioned. The thing is, when I NO S'd heavily last year along with my workouts I got down from 194 to 170! Woo Hoo! This year met challenges. I got married in June and I weighed 172 and now, a mere 3+ months later I'm 185. Ugh. Happy love weight is what I call it. I've turned a new leaf. This weight is definitely not something I want to lug around anymore so today I start it again. I wanna say keep up the good work. You'll meet your goals and hopefully I will too!