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Just escaped from Weight Watchers!! :)

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:38 pm
by good enough

Just wanted to introduce myself since I am starting the No S Diet. As the title suggests I have been on ww for a while and lost about 15 pounds. All well and good but it is driving me up the wall with all the counting and tracking... Taking up all my energy and really not sustainable long-term, for me anyway. I'd love to lose a few more pounds (7 maybe?) but most of all I desperately want my sanity back!! :shock:

My first N day will be tomorrow, and to be honest I can hardly wait! Very happy to be joining you all on this journey!! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:59 pm
by wosnes
Welcome! I think you'll find this a sane way to approach eating and weight control.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:10 pm
by good enough
Thank you Wosnes! This will certainly be the most moderate thing I have tried dietwise (with the possible exception of Intuitive Eating but that was a little too much freedom for me!). I understand I might gain a bit at first because I've been counting points, but I think I can live with that if this approach leads to sanity & reaching my goal in the long term. Thanks for the welcome! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:16 pm
by scgal
Welcome! I'm someone who lost years ago on the old Exchange program and HATED the points system....which they went to when Heinz bought out WW.

RE: Just escaped from Weight Watchers!! :)

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:10 pm
by Meikmeika
Awesome!!! I look forward to reading about your NoS journey.

I've been doing weight watchers off and on for several years now... I started NoSing last week and feel pretty good about it. It's nice to feel sane again....LOL!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:53 pm
by reinhard

And congratulations on your success with WW so far -- that takes serious willpower!

But I think you'll get much more bang for your willpower buck with no-s. A lot less will go a much longer way.

Best of luck and keep us posted,


Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:04 pm
by good enough
Oh, what a lovely welcome! :D

Scgal - Yes I totally agree about the points system. That's what I was doing and I really came to hate it. To be honest I never want to count points / calories / fat grams or anything else again (partly why I'm here of course!) I have done it all to death and it all just drives me bonkers!

Meimeika - Thank you! Sounds like you really identify. Glad to hear No S is going so well for you - hope I can report the same soon. Bring on the sanity I say!!

Reinhard - Thanks for the personal welcome! Your system makes so much sense to me in so many ways. I am both elated and slightly terrified at starting. But start I did, today!

Off to make myself a daily check in thread now! :D

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:40 pm
by levictoria
Hi! I'm new to this too! I started last week and had a bit of a bumpy ride, but I'm thinking this week will go much better!

Hah. I'm a WW veteran myself! I too went crazy, and I got to the point where those meetings just drove me nuts. I was a member on at least 4 different occasions for a total of 8 years. In that amount of time, I lost about 30 pounds and gained it all back 4 different times. Unfortunately, not once did I get to goal. I decided to officially quit, and am now doing things MY way. :-)

I think its tough to not think about counting points. It was the longest diet I was a part of and I think I have the points ingrained in my head!!

Good luck to you!

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:48 pm
by good enough
Hi Victoria and thanks for the welcome! Goodness, you really are a ww veteran! I've only been a member for a few months, didn't last nearly as long!! I was doing it online, couldn't bear the thought of meetings. Anyhow, thanks for saying hello. I am so very happy to be here. And best of luck to you too - here's to doing it OUR way!! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:11 am
by Meikmeika
leVictoria wrote:
I think its tough to not think about counting points. It was the longest diet I was a part of and I think I have the points ingrained in my head!!

Good luck to you!
Ditto! I've been doing Weight Watchers off and on since 2003 and have only met goal once.... It's definitely time for a change.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:33 am
by levictoria
Meikmeika wrote:
leVictoria wrote:
I think its tough to not think about counting points. It was the longest diet I was a part of and I think I have the points ingrained in my head!!

Good luck to you!
Ditto! I've been doing Weight Watchers off and on since 2003 and have only met goal once.... It's definitely time for a change.
Yes! Totally. They need a sub group on here for ex-Weight Watcher folks!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:57 am
by magrat
Today is my first day too! I'm impressed you lost 15 lbs on WW already, I've never had that much will power. In fact, I think this is the longest I've ever been on a diet (21 hours so far) - previously I've only made it until the next meal :lol: This is the first time a diet has ever made sense to me and addresses my biggest weaknesses in a simple black and white way, while letting me indulge in a more reasonable way. It's how I ate when I was a skinny kid. It just makes sense!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:16 pm
by ~reneew
Welcome to the sane approach... it will work!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:54 pm
by wosnes
leVictoria wrote:
Meikmeika wrote:
leVictoria wrote:
I think its tough to not think about counting points. It was the longest diet I was a part of and I think I have the points ingrained in my head!!

Good luck to you!
Ditto! I've been doing Weight Watchers off and on since 2003 and have only met goal once.... It's definitely time for a change.
Yes! Totally. They need a sub group on here for ex-Weight Watcher folks!
I think there could be sub-groups for ex-almost every diet plan or program!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:27 pm
by good enough
Magrat - Thank you! But I know sheer bloody-mindedness will only get me so far... It's time to try moderation! And:
It just makes sense!
I couldn't agree more!

Reneew - Thanks for the welcome! Still very early days for me, but I'm already starting to think that it might! :shock:

Thanks all for your support :D

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:36 pm
by oolala53
I actually had a semi-good experience on WW. However, I was in my early 50's and had already learned a lot about nutrition, satiety, and exercise. Because I started at close to 190 lbs., I felt my point allotment was generous, esp. since I knew I would be having plenty of water-rich veggies and fruits. in my meals. I also rarely ate low fat or too much fake sweet stuff or refined grains. When I would look at other people's meals and snacks, they seemed puny to me because they were eating flavored yogurt and potato chips. Now if that's where your satisfaction is, amen. But I liked more chewing! I got to the point where planning my meals was pretty easy and truth be told, many of my meals now are similar to the ones I was eating on WW. Half a plate of veggies and fruit, half a plate of high fiber starch and a lean protein. The equivalent of one-two tablespoons of fat. It's the kind of meal I enjoy the most when I eat it and later. If I for some reason have a hamburger and fries (rarely) I'll eat half of each, not because of the calories per se but because now eating the whole thing, even though they could fit on a plate, would leave me too full and uncomfortable for hours.

The lower my weight got on WW, though, the lower the calorie/ allotment was. I don't know why on No S I can have some relatively low-calorie days (I know from memory), and it won't bother me, but it's true.

I, too, absolutely love not counting or recording calories/points. but it may take awhile before you find the balance of foods you need to nourish, satisfy, and lose weight on. It's more fun doing it here, though! Wheee!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:16 pm
by good enough
Hi, Oolala! Thanks for sharing your experiences. I too feel like I am pretty clued up on nutrition (a by-product of a lifelong obsession with food and weight!!). I've always eaten healthily at meals but my weak spots are emotional eating (for a variety of reasons) and bingeing. Neither of which ww helped me with.

At 5'6" & 132 pounds I am technically a healthy weight right now and get very few points on ww. Which of course just leads me to binge and feel guilty, then binge a bit more. So I'm very glad to (hopefully) be off that vicious cycle! Would like to lose a few more pounds but to be honest even if I maintain with No S I'll be happy. I'm sure it'll take a while to get the balance right as you say. Here's to doing it the fun way!! :D :D

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:27 pm
by oolala53
I'm 5'6" and have not weighed 132 lbs. for 43 years, since I was in the 9th grade. Sigh. Got to 136 twenty-sumpin' years ago running and subsisting on 1200 a day. Feared food all the time. Won't live like that again. I guess it's all relative, but it sure sounds like maintenance could be enough for you. I'd like to be 149, though now my goal is 154, which would give me a BMI of 24.9. I don't have the kind of body that makes BMI a joke. I go more by the percentage of my peers I compare with, found at

I think it's reasonable from my past attempts and history for me to get into the 25%ile. Shooting on purpose for less than that seems to me to be a set up for constant disappointment. Of course, it's all an inside job. I'm not actually terribly unhappy with my body now, though I am overweight by society's standards. I just feel I want to get a handle on eating in this life time and No S has helped me cut down overeating from every day to one or two days a week. and I'm whittling away at those. Feels saner than points and calorie goals for sure, they everything comes out in the wash.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:43 pm
by good enough
Wow thanks for that link, I haven't come across that kind of percentile calculation for weight before. But like you say it's all relative and all about how you feel (by the way I don't look that small simply because I have a tiny frame which means even a "normal" weight can be too much on me).

The most important issue for me is to lose the obsession with food and dieting in the traditional sense. I haven't eaten "normally" since I was a child, so no memory of what that's actually like. I have a feeling it might be pretty close to No S :D

Good luck in your goals, they sound realistic and it sounds like you have plenty of wisdom and courage to achieve them.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:41 am
by Meikmeika
Tofu Queen wrote: The most important issue for me is to lose the obsession with food and dieting in the traditional sense. I haven't eaten "normally" since I was a child, so no memory of what that's actually like. I have a feeling it might be pretty close to No S :D
Agreed!!! I too have been dieting since childhood and I'm so over it. I'm the largest I've ever been and I attribute it to dieting. The food obsession is so overwhelming.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:18 pm
by jellybeans01
Welcome, I'm also an ex WW. I did it for years and was able to get my body back after my babies, but now, like you I'm tired of the points and tracking everything. I love the no s diet approach. For me though to be around 125 which is my ww weight, I do have to do some mods like keeping my portions in check and I give myself one s day a week and not 2.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:54 am
by good enough
Jellybeans - Thank you! So nice to know I'm in good company here! :D

I suspect you're right, I might well have to introduce a tweak or two further down the line. But I'm going to try 'common-or-garden-NoS' for a while and see where it takes me (hopefully not too much further up the scale!!). Thanks again for the welcome!