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Going for the trifecta

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:11 pm
by sporkfancier
This weekend, I was looking at a scrapbook that my youngest sister made for my maternal grandparents. It featured a couple of pages on each of the grandchildren composed mostly of photos. There was a picture of me that I almost didn't recognize: strong jawline, noticable cheekbones, no breasts. It was from 1997/98, I think. I look the same in my wedding pictures (from 1998), but for some reason, this picture hit me much, much harder. I don't like the way I look right now, or the difficulty I have in doing things like running up stairs, playing squash, etc.

Anyway, I resolved to do something about it. I was thinking about combining an Atkins-style program (which "worked" for me in the past, in that I lost weight, but have gained some back) with the exercise program outlined in the Hacker's diet. However, I didn't like this idea much, mostly because I know that low-carb is not a lifestyle I enjoy or that is terribly healthy. I had a vague idea that I wanted to eat less and do some kind of exercise regimen that will leave me looking something like this.

Well, I had done a little searching on the Hacker's Diet, and found a long-forgotten /. post about it. One of the comments mentioned the Shovel Glove, and I clicked through. [the post, in hindsight, actually mentioned all three of the everyday systems ideas, but the shovel glove is what intrigued me]. After spending the morning looking through the sites and the bulletin boards, I'm resolved to become an urban ranging, shovel-gloving, no-s dieter. So far, so good: I've bought a 10lb sledge and I'm on pace for a successful day on day 1. I know that kicking the diet soft drinks will be tough, so I'm not holding myself to that immediately; that said, I know they are feeding my sweetness habit, and I need to cut them out sooner rather than later.

Anyway, I just wanted to dispell some of my excitement about life change before starting a daily check-in thread. Thanks for your ideas all, especially Reinhard, and I do hope today will be one I look back on with great fondness.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:34 pm
by david

The Trifecta seems to have a subtle but effective power to it. You'll be going along thinking you're making no progress then you realize you just walked to the grocery store without getting winded or your hammer feels really light lately or you have to punch a new hole in your belt because your waist is shrinking or....

What helps me stick with the Trifecta is to occasionally re-read the No-S and Shovelglove home pages. The overall strategies that Reinhard lays out help me to implement tactics which keep me on the success path.

Just start slowly (esp. with the Shovelgloving) and I bet you'll end up enjoying this stuff.

Keep us updated!


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:13 pm
by reinhard
Welcome, sporkfancier.

I'm glad the trifecta is catching on... while they don't require one another, they do work very well together, and they address issues most of us are going to have to figure out somehow. The good habits you build in one will reenforce the others. Just be careful you're not taking on too much at once.


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:32 pm
by Traveler
Right on, take it slow, one step at a time, one day at a time. Don't expect too much, too soon. You can do it! Best regards, Bob