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What is vanilla no S?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:23 pm
by jd4070
Hello I am new. I have seen the term Vanilla NoS but I still don't understand. Thanks!

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:15 pm
by wosnes
Vanilla No-S is No-S without any modifications. Many of us have modified it in some way to better suit our needs.

For example, with the exception of major holidays, I no longer take S days. Instead, I allow myself one S daily. That doesn't necessarily mean that I take them, but I can if I want to use an S.
Mollie Katzen wrote:From The Best Diet: No Diet at All

This is the key: If you are interested in long term weight reduction, you need a moderate, balanced way of eating of your own design that you can live with -- not some super-restrictive, strict plan that makes you unhappy and always vigilant.
Pam Anderson wrote:from The Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight and Eating Great

Diets are like trying to sell everyone the same style and size shoe. If this way of eating is forced and not really you, you’ll revert to your old patterns every time. Better to find a way to eat for life.
For me, that "of your own design" is extremely important. I don't do well following someone else's rules -- no matter how much sense they may make. If it doesn't fit me, I'm not going to be able to follow it.

I originally started with no S-Days, but allowed myself 2-3 S-events weekly. This was largely due to the fact that most of my eating out/socializing didn't occur on weekends. In the last couple of months I changed it to one S daily largely because it is easier to remember. I could remember if I'd had an S each day, but trying to remember how many I'd had weekly was more difficult.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:39 pm
by jd4070
I understand. Thank you very much.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:13 pm
by poetgirl
I was wondering this myself, there are so many terms to memorize. lol It's kind of fun to learn, though. Thank you for clearing this up!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:33 pm
by Jethro
My Father in Law - who lived to 99 and was all of his life +or- 5 lb. of his high school weight - had his own version of NoS.

He followed the diet to the T except:

1. His S days were family reunions (Thanksgiving, etc.) On these days his glass ceiling was 3-4 units.

2. NEVER snacks and/or seconds.

3. A sweet the size of a domino bone after lunch and dinner.

It worked for him.