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Losing weight is (mostly) great

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:51 pm
by kccc ... =nl_health

In this article, the author talks about her experience losing weight (using a self-created program that shares some qualities with No-S). She talks about the "downside"...

The most interesting part was something that I consider a positive side-effect of No-S: when you don't use food as an avoidance strategy, you DEAL with the hard parts of life. Not always pleasant, but more productive.

Just thought I'd share...

Re: Losing weight is (mostly) great

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:17 am
by sidney202
KCCC wrote:[url]The most interesting part was something that I consider a positive side-effect of No-S: when you don't use food as an avoidance strategy, you DEAL with the hard parts of life. Not always pleasant, but more productive.
Yes, yes, yes! I wholeheartedly agree!

I am very new to NoS (a week) but on my first full day, I realized that I was no longer using food as a way of procrastinating at work. It was a bit embarrassing really, to discover how much time I spent trolling back and forth to the vending machines and on-site cafe instead of doing some dreaded task.

Additionally, NoS has shown me in a very short time, that food doesn't make me fat, I make me fat. My habits are the culprit. As such, I have drawn some very unflattering, but accurate, parallel conclusions about my work habits and my propensity to finish work tasks late (You mean it's not because I have too heavy of a workload? It's because I don't start my tasks in a timely manner???? :shock:).

The wonderful thing I am learning already is that if the problem is not external, but internal (my habits) then I have the power to change it. I am not a helpless victim. The concept is liberating and sobering at the same time.