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Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:21 pm
by kariev34
Hi everyone! I'm no to this board but not new to the no S way of life (even though I just got the book). A little history.....12 years ago I decided I was sick of being chubby and wanted to feel better about myself. I cut out fast food and most sweats except for special occasions. I started getting up a 5am to exercise and within a few months and little effort, 35lbs fell off. I started getting more into exercise and nutrition and then I came across the body for life program. For those that don't know what it is, it tells you to eat 6 mini meals a day, workout intensely 6 days a week with cardio and weights and on the 7th day, you can not exercise and eat whatever you want, however much you want for the whole day.

Well I jumped on this bandwagon and my life has been a challenge since. From this free day, I started binge eating. I would restrict and over exercise through the week and then I would literally consume thousands of cals on that 7th day. I become obsessed with food as I constantly watched the clock to eat every 3 hrs. I would bring all sorts of food with me everywhere I went. I never felt satisfied with my meals because how could 300 cals possible fill you up???? So since that point I have battled binge eating.

Fast forward to today....while i'm still the same weight i'm still binging occasionally especially when I start the whole mini meal process. I actually binged on Sunday and just said to myself enough! I decided to go back to what worked for me originally, 3 meals a day and junk food only on special occasions. Little did I know that when I first lost the weight this way that there was a book about it. I researched online about the meal frequency myth which is how I found this sight and the book. So i'm starting to read the book now and read through this wonderful forum. It feels like home :D I look forward to learning about you all and sharing my experiences.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:29 pm
by gk

I've only be a No-Ser since November, but I'm here to tell ya that I absolutely love this diet and am so glad I stumbled across it on-line!

I've tried so many other diets that consisted of small frequent meals during the day, and never felt satisfied. I think having three normal meals a day and not completely restricting anything is KEY. I wish I read about this 20 years ago!!

I've had a few down moments where the ugly beast of emotional eating/bingeing resurfaced, but I just reviewed the book, read the bulletin board and reminded myself how much happier I've been since starting this diet. I've found that losing weight ended up being a nice side effect compared to the dramatic difference in my eating habits now. I finally have a normal relationship with food - never thought it'd happen.

Good luck on your journey!! :)