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Loving Food or Loving Eating

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:41 pm
by TexArk
The discussion on S Days and Holidays has prompted me to think about whether we all gained weight because we loved food or because we loved eating. KCCC gave some good suggestions about holiday eating and savoring food.

I think I loved eating and feeling full. I did not want the eating process to end. I guess this is why the unlimited veggies in Weight Watchers or the Volumetrics approach was appealing or any other diet that allowed unlimited eating of certain types of foods. I got used to feeling full and thinking I needed to be full, but the satiety was not there any more than it was drinking SlimFast.

Now I think I have shifted to loving food. The wait between meals makes me appropriately hungry for the next meal. And when I do have sweets, they are something to be savored in small portions.

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:05 pm
by Over43
Personally, I like eating. Because I will eat anything if I am not paying attention. However, when I take the time to cook something good, I do enjoy that. But I think I have just programmed myself over the years to eat indiscriminately. And probably to my detrimate, I didn't start gaining weight until I reached my mid-30's.

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:26 pm
by kccc
I like this distinction. In fact, I think it describes a transition that No-S encourages.

I really used to love (and hate) eating - it was the default activity when I was stressed, bored, procrastinating, or needed comfort. (Since ONE of those conditions usually existed, I ate a lot, lol!) But I didn't like how it made me feel. And I had a love/hate relationship with food too... if it had too many calories, it was "bad," no matter how healthy or enjoyable.

No-S has allowed me to enjoy FOOD instead. And when I do that, two things happen, both good. First, I'm much, much happier with less food; because I have what I truly want. I feel "fed" instead of just "full" (someone else used this phrase, and I like it). Food tastes a lot better without a side order of guilt!

Second, I work through whatever emotion I'd been using food to avoid. That is not always pleasant in the short run, but in the long run it is far, far better for me. (I consider this one of the major hidden advantages of No-S.)

Thanks for the post, TexArk!

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:46 pm
by Sinnie
I couldn't agree more, I feel the exact same way. I look forward to meals and often eat way too much because I hate when it ends. Still, just separating food into meals rather than snacking realllly helps to eliminate enough excess that my weight remains okay, though I'm trying to learn to be okay with finishing at one plate.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:42 am
by Nicest of the Damned
One thing I really like about No S is that it's OK to enjoy your food. You don't have to think of food as simply fuel, not as something to be enjoyed, the way advocates of some diets would have you do.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:56 am
by idontknow
I may be going off at a bit of a tangent here - but there have been lots of adverts for ww on tv the last few days. It reminded me of previous years when I would think: 'I have to eat all this food before January 2nd because my diet starts then and I won't be able to eat it.' And then a few days after January 2nd I would feel deprived and resentful and eat everything in sight.
It was lovely to watch the adverts and know that I don't have to do that - I just have to follow No S which leaves me with no sense of deprivation. No S makes me think carefully about what I eat because it's important to feel satisfied at the end of a meal. I enjoy my food much more and no longer enjoy the times when I eat for the sake of it.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:16 am
by osoniye
Oh boy, I love both!!! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:20 am
by wosnes
osoniye wrote:Oh boy, I love both!!! :D
Me, too!

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:23 pm
by oolala53
I love both, sometimes together and sometimes not. I've brought up before that on many Sunday mornings after a heavy S day, I've not been stomach-empty hungry, but I have wanted to eat just to eat. Sometimes I started in early, sometimes I spent a grueling few or even several hours until I had some food. It doesn't actually happen very often anymore that I just want to eat though I'm not hungry, eps. when I'm busy. Some times are harder to keep busy in esp. when it's the weekend and I'd like to be able to relax without being busy, busy, busy. Personal problem. But for many decades of my life, I wolfed a lot of food, thinking that I loved it, but I didn't really enjoy the food or the eating of it, except swallowing.

Anyway, now, I almost always take my time, even when I'm overeating, which has decreased about 80% this year. I'm anticipating decreasing the amount that remains by about the same amount this coming year.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:50 pm
by Sharpie
I really like what KCCC said.

I definitely love eating. I can be full, sick full, and still want to eat more. Does't even have to be tasty food. I love good food too, but wanting to keep eating is definitely a big thing for me, especially if I am bored or stressed.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:43 pm
by Who Me?
Interesting topic!

I love food.