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Feeling Hopeful... I think this will work!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:04 am
by gettheweightoff
Even though today is my first day on my No-S lifestyle I feel hopeful, like I can actually do this. After a whole month of trying to do WW and binge eating to the point I put on 10lbs (I'd do it for a day then binge eat for 3 then try again and binge.... over and over) I finally feel free of all that nonsense.

I added up my calories for the day. I ate pretty healthy and balanced with no sugar in my meals (that is a goal of mine) which added up to about 1300 calories.

I can't believe I did it... I actually got through day 1. Sure I'm thinking about food and snacking but it's completely out of habit. I ate at 5:50pm and it's 8:20pm and I feel a bit hungry but I am determined to complete this day and every other no-s day.

Reading the testimonials has really encouraged me as well so thanks to everyone who posts. I find this board very positive!

:-) :D

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:43 am
by Too solid flesh
Welcome, gettheweightoff, and congratulations on a successful first day.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:42 am
by gettheweightoff
Day 2 under my belt. I really think I can do this!

I did have a very slight variation. I have a bad cold and we went out for chinese food so I had my wonton soup about 3 minutes before my meal.

I ordered steamed veggies, chicken and almonds in a chicken broth and had a small portion of another dish in a sauce. I had my plate and ate slower because I used chop sticks. No SECONDS. NO fortune cookies.

YAY me!

Oh and at lunch, I had no choice but to eat in the car so I visually prepared a plate and had 1/2 of the kids chuck e cheese individual pizza, two bites of pasta and a 1/4 of a hamburger. I really think this would have all fit on 1 plate nicely.

I'm definitely hungry right now but I figure I should go to bed and I can eat again at breakfast!