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Want to feel full? Activia Fibre Yogurt

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:56 pm
by gettheweightoff
Yesterday I had one of these little Activia fibre yogurts in vanilla and it was pretty tasty but I noticed that it kept me quite full.

This morning I had another with my breakfast and the same thing happened.

I am posting this because if you are anything like me I do like to feel a bit full and I can't handle feeling hungry all the time.

Anyways, I thought I'd post for anyone who is interested.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:52 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
You'll probably find that, after you've been on No S a little while, it takes less food to make you feel full. That's what happened to me. It kind of snuck up on me, in fact. I didn't really notice it happening until one day, not too long after I started No S, I was eating two bagels for a weekend brunch. I've had this for a weekend brunch many, many times, and always finished them, sometimes even wanted more afterward. This time, after one and a half bagels, I felt too stuffed to eat any more.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:59 pm
by wosnes
Great! I'm glad that works for you.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:24 pm
by bluebunny27
Tip. if you are a yogurt fan ... you can make your own. That's what I do, once a week. I've done it 80-100 times already.

Making yogurt at home is easy, only 35-40 minute prep. time required and then you just have to wait for the milk to turn into yogurt. (From 4 to 12 hours, depending how tart/sour you like the final product to be, I usually let it incubate for 5 hours 45 minutes)

Since I eat a lot of yogurt I make myself 4 containers once a week.

It cuts down a lot on the cost of course, it costs me about 80 cents per container (The price of the milk basically) and I also know what has been put in it so it's 100% natural. To add the 'fibre' (fiber) you can eat it with cereals or oatmeal.

Check online how to make your own yogurt at home, you don't even need a fancy yogurt maker if you don't have one. The only essential item to have is a thermometer (Candy thermometer) so you know when to put in your starter (a few tbsp. of commercial starter with live active probiotic bacteria (Plain Danone Activia Yogurt for example. I use LIBERTE Plain yogurt personally these days but I used Activia's in the past.)

It's worth it if you eat a lot of yogurt as I do. Buying commercial yogurt every week would cost me a lot more. Saves me 300$ per year, maybe more.

Here's a site but there are many others :

There are many variations of course. I heat the milk in the microwave in a large Pyrex bowl personally not on the stove in a sterilized double boiler as mentioned on the site, that seems like a lot more trouble.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:32 pm
by osoniye
I make my own, too, on the stove and it's dead easy and cheap!! :D