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About Miss Hartshorne

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:00 am
by Blithe Morning
I consulted with Miss Hartshorne about getting her own account here, and - much to my surprise - she demurred.

She said that she didn't really enjoy fiddling around on the Internets; it was a waste of time (pointed look at me). Besides, she was much too busy.

She's behind a sock since the business with the TSA and her knitting needles two weeks ago. She left the needles at home on the trip to see an elderly aunt, afraid they'd be confiscated. Fortunately, she brought her crochet so at least she is well ahead on her beanies for preemies. And then there's the Valentine's fundraiser for the Humane Society (she's on the board), not to mention the aqua-cise classes at the Y she just started. The aqua-cise classes surprised me because they were my idea as the footing has been far too icy to walk outside and she doesn't enjoy indoor walking. "You don't go anywhere," she once explained to me.

"But Miss Hartshorne," I said trying to convince her. "You are so good at things like habit and posture and being sensible."

"Not really," said she. "It's just that everyone else is so bad at it."

Maybe it's just as well that Miss Hartshorne doesn't get her own account...

So, we left it at that she would allow me to post the things she says or does or examples from her life as appropriate, as I long I don't publish her location, phone number or first name.

Re: About Miss Hartshorne

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:34 am
by wosnes
Blithe Morning wrote: "But Miss Hartshorne," I said trying to convince her. "You are so good at things like habit and posture and being sensible."

"Not really," said she. "It's just that everyone else is so bad it."
I love it!

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:09 am
by kccc
Please give Miss Hartshorne our regards, and say that we totally understand, despite our disappointment.

(Though I won't promise not to nag for details of her life/opinions.)

I think she and Clara would have respected one another, though (perhaps incorrectly) I picture Miss H as being very, very British.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:08 am
by Blithe Morning
KCCC wrote:I think she and Clara would have respected one another, though (perhaps incorrectly) I picture Miss H as being very, very British.
Miss Hartshorne's mother was British. Her father was from northern Vermont. So you can see how Miss Hartshorne comes by her opinions.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:01 am
by idontknow
If Miss Hartshorne was in a film, would she be played by Katherine Hepburne?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:37 pm
by Blithe Morning
With those cheekbones? No, Angela Landsbury is more in Miss Hartshorne's style.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:17 am
by idontknow
:D :D :D

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:00 pm
by harpista
Whence did this delightful lady originate (on the boards)? :lol:

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:35 am
by Blithe Morning
harpista wrote:Whence did this delightful lady originate (on the boards)? :lol:
Harpista, she appeared on the Pizza Guilt thread. I don't know why she made her debut there, probably because the more I considered how to answer the post, the more I realized that when you disengage from the guilt and consider it objectively feeling guilty about eating pizza is really rather absurd.

Miss Hartshorne is blessedly free of emotional baggage (unlike me; I know what self recrimination pizza can induce). I suspect she misplaced hers about, oh 40 years ago and since she hasn't gotten around to looking for it yet, things like guilt over eating perfectly good food literally do not enter her mind.

Now wasting food, THAT can send Miss Hartshorne into a paroxysm. She is very careful to take only what she will eat and package up all the rest. Not surprisingly, she usually serves herself about a plateful. Until No S, I was concerned for her - what if she didn't eat enough and got hungry?

"It's not like I'm adrift in the middle of the Pacific now is it,"she said. "I'll eat soon enough. Hunger is nothing to worry about, not when you've got a full pantry."

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:56 am
by amake616
Blithe Morning wrote: "It's not like I'm adrift in the middle of the Pacific now is it,"she said. "I'll eat soon enough. Hunger is nothing to worry about, not when you've got a full pantry."
I'm sure even if Miss Hartshorne did happen to be adrift in the Pacific she would refrain from pointless dramatics such as naming inanimate objects Wilson and self-indulgent acts such as "melting down" or "hysterics" anyway. She would probably figure out a way to fashion a lady like hat to protect herself from the sun and calmly assess the situation.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:03 am
by Over43
I just have to ask, has this years winter been as brutal in South Dakota as it has been in Eastern Idaho?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:59 pm
by Blithe Morning
Over43 wrote:I just have to ask, has this years winter been as brutal in South Dakota as it has been in Eastern Idaho?
Not brutal but not warm, either. It's been cold. For most of January, we were well under normal temps. Precipitation has been average. Psychologically it feels higher because we are still coming out of ten years of drought.

The thing which I find the hardest to bear are cloudy days. Last February we went six weeks without a sunny day. Today is shaping up to be sunny with normal temps (in the 20's) so it's going to be a good day.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:19 pm
by Blithe Morning
amake616 wrote:I'm sure even if Miss Hartshorne did happen to be adrift in the Pacific she would refrain from pointless dramatics such as naming inanimate objects Wilson and self-indulgent acts such as "melting down" or "hysterics" anyway. She would probably figure out a way to fashion a lady like hat to protect herself from the sun and calmly assess the situation.
Right. With good posture and sunscreen since she always seems to have have whatever is needed on hand.

To be fair to her, Miss Hartshorne is a great believer in the potential of humans to rise and meet the challenges they are presented so if a melt down or two is what is needed to clear the mind, then so be it. Just don't get carried away with it because at some point one must Buckle Down and Get To Work. This is why she does not believe in molly-coddling; all of us are stronger than we give ourselves credit for.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:11 am
by NoelFigart
First: Miss Hartshorn is awesome. I love her.

I don't have an internal Miss Hartshorn. I have an inner Madame Bonnevie. She's a very elegant French lady who loves her food, but understands that seulment un goût is appropriate to savor all the lovely, delicious things in life. She wears silk scarves, has love affairs and always serves dinner on a candlelit table. Mon dieu! She thinks gluttony interferes with pleasure.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:02 pm
by Blithe Morning
NoelFigart wrote: I have an inner Madame Bonnevie. She's a very elegant French lady who loves her food, but understands that seulment un goût is appropriate to savor all the lovely, delicious things in life. She wears silk scarves, has love affairs and always serves dinner on a candlelit table. Mon dieu! She thinks gluttony interferes with pleasure.
I'd love for Miss Hartshorne and Madame Bonnevie to have a meal together. Can you imagine the conversation?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:55 am
by funfuture
Please do imagine it. That would be fun.
Perhaps other characters will soon join as well. :-)