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Birth control pills? (sorry, guys)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:06 pm
by exdieter
This one's for the ladies.

So, I found No-S a couple months after I'd had a surprising 7-8lb weight gain after going OFF of my bc pills (I'd been holding steady for years and years, basically since I'd gone ON them back in 2004, after which I also gained about 10lb).

Here's my question: We've decided to wait on trying to have a baby, after all, and I'd like to go back on the pill. Do you think I will trigger another gain? Will No-S hold it off?

Most doctors say all of this is a myth, but my experiences seem to prove otherwise... Grrrr....

[edited to add that I am 36 yrs old, regular exerciser/urban ranger)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:16 pm
by wosnes
It's hard to say, but if you do, at least you know what caused it!
exdieter wrote:We've decided to wait on trying to have a baby
That reminded me of something my obstetrician said when I was pregnant with my first child. I'd mentioned that I hadn't planned to get pregnant then and he said, "If you wait until the time is right, you'll never have children." It certainly wasn't an ideal time in more ways than one, but it all worked out.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:18 pm
by marygrace
I went on the pill right after a serious bout of mono and viral pneumonia. The illness had caused me to lose about 10 pounds in little more than a month, and my doctor started me on steroids to help me get my strength back. (If you're thinking this sounds like an odd time to start taking the pill, it probably was--but I was originally taking it for medical reasons). So in those first few weeks of taking the pill, my appetite was never-ending and I quickly regained all the weight I'd lost while sick. I believe it was mostly the steroids that helped me gain my weight back, but I don't know for sure if the pill played an assisting role. Either way, I didn't gain anymore weight after that.

When I went off the pill a few years later, my weight also didn't change. I hear horror stories (mostly on the internet) from women who say taking the pill or some other form of hormonal contraception caused them to put on a ton of weight, and since I never experienced it myself, I'm a bit skeptical (also, from what I've read, research hasn't found that taking the pill leads to weight gain). If anything, perhaps the hormones in the pill stimulate appetite---since the pill is basically tricking the body into thinking it's pregnant, the body probably wants you to take in more calories. But if you go into taking the pill with that knowledge, you can be mindful of your eating habits to make sure you don't eat more food than you need.

Interestingly enough, I'm considering going back on the pill pretty soon. I have no plains to gain weight, but if it happens, I'll let you know.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:24 pm
by exdieter
Well, as of today, I'm back on it! I think appetite may have a lot to do with it. I'll keep ya posted about how I do this week. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:42 pm
by marygrace
Actually just saw this news story today on scientists dispelling this myth.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:54 pm
by exdieter
Thanks, @marygrace! That's promising! So far, I've seen a slight move up, but could definitely be attributed to tough strength training and salty foods (all of which I've enjoyed this week). :)

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:36 am
by Summerwine
I've also just started a new pill, and so far the result is that my weight nudged down a bit. Which, I think, is the result of general NoS-ing, rather than the pill. But I'm curious to see how it works out!
