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My S Day was scary, uncomfortable and also successful?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:24 pm
by gettheweightoff
I wanted to post about my S day because it was weird, uncomfortable for me, gross, but in a way successful. Here's what happened and you can tell me what you think because I just don't know how to feel about it honestly.

I was pretty hungry when I went to bed last night and because I was thinking so much about my s day for a few days and was looking forward to the idea of being able to eat a bit more or a treat. Actually I may have psyched myself up a bit.

Anyways at 12:30am (technically the next day, Saturday, an S day) I went downstairs and ate a rather large vanilla cupcake with pink icing that I had been eyeing all day. Now you have to understand I love icing more than the cake and I used to binge on this years ago (weird I know). Anyways, half way through I stopped and didn't know if I could finish it but of course I did. It didn't taste all that great and I actually liked the cake more than the icing which was bizarre for me. Then I ate 2 bite sized shortbread cookies with icing which were delicious. For some reason I ate the icing off of the other blue cupcake and a tiny bit of the cupcake. Normally I would have felt so bad about myself and gone on to eat ice cream, chips, more cookies, bread etc. etc. to have a full on binge.

No, I didn't need the extra bit of icing and bit of cake but I DID NOT binge. I felt gross, sick, a stomach ache and wondering what the purpose of S days are because I started worrying about the calories.... BUT then I felt like that craving was out of my system and I can carry on the day with 3 plates. So in a way, isn't this a successful S day because I didn't go wild?

I know it is still early in the day but I feel confident that I really don't need any other treats for the day, maybe not even tomorrow either. I do feel like my habits from the week spilled over to today. I feel satisfied but oddly I want to make my next weekend's treat a little more worthy and yummy because I seem to aim more for quality now than what I used to think was so yummy (ie this cupcake).

Anyways I welcome your input and tell me if you think this can qualify as a yellow S day.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:33 pm
by exdieter
I think that's a big win!! (BTW, I am also a frosted lover. lol)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:51 pm
by Blithe Morning
On the No S plan as written, absolutely it qualifies as a yellow S day.

On S days, you can have whatever you want, whenever you want. While all of us over-indulge this freedom, we soon learn that it's a bad idea, especially once our bodies have acclimated to the habits of No S. I overate sweets last night because I didn't plan for dinner properly. This morning, I'm really regretting it. Not surprisingly, overeating sweets now is a whole lot less than what it used to be.

Trust the process. Trust your body to be habituated to reasonable, healthy habits. Trust yourself to not rebel against reasonable boundaries so that you self destruct. You can do... no, you ARE doing this.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:55 pm
by Sienna
There are a lot of different measures of success, and I think what a "successful" or "good" S day (as opposed to a neutral S day - since don't forget that you can't fail an S day!) will change as you progress on your NoS journey.
Anyways, half way through I stopped and didn't know if I could finish it but of course I did. It didn't taste all that great and I actually liked the cake more than the icing which was bizarre for me.

When I first started on NoS, this was a typical behavior for me. I'd take a big portion of sweet food and I'd finish it because I took it and because it was the only day I could have it. BUT doing this on S days, prevented me from doing it on N days. So they were pretty successful. Also, I was still probably eating less junk than I would have prior to NoS.

After awhile, I learned to stop when I was full - even on S days and even when it was sweet and delicious and I couldn't have more for 5 whole days. It was a gradual process, but I'm there now.

So a "good" S day now looks a whole lot better than a "good" S day 6 months ago. But if I'd tried to jump to where I am now, I think I would have fallen flat on my face. It's the fact that I slowly got here on my own without anyone telling me that I *had* to be here that allowed me to get to where I am now.

So do I think your S day was successful? Absolutely! You learned something. AND it was better than your pre-NoS binges. So that's like doubly successful.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:35 pm
by wosnes
I can't say that it was successful only because I don't believe that S days can be successes or failures. No greens, no reds, only yellows. Some are going to be "terrible, horrible, no good very bad days" and others will be just the opposite. Doesn't make them good or bad, successes or failures. They're "just" S days. One where you don't go wild is no better than one when you do go wild.

I did some of the same things initially, but after a while that kind of behavior -- well, it didn't disappear, or at least the desire to do it didn't disappear, but I'd think "I'm going to feel like crap if I eat that now." Sometimes I never did eat it and sometimes I ate it later.

If that were to happen now, I'd probably eat one in the middle of the night and the next one later in the day -- and not think about the calories, but that's nothing new.

I have to say that I never think about calories. Oh, I'm certainly aware that some things are more calorie-dense and others are less calorie dense. But at least half of my meals are on the less calorie dense side just because I enjoy the "lighter" meals. So I don't worry about the more calorie dense foods. My meals also don't tend to be really large because I feel better with less volume. I think it all balances out in the end.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:43 pm
by Kevin
I ate three little ginger cookies after lunch today (used to be I could eat these all day). It was a fairly big lunch, too, with a bigger than usual serving of yogurt. I didn't feel so great afterwards. Too much food.

It's something that sort of happens after a few weeks of No-Sing. You just don't want that much food.

Similarly, I just had three triscuits (not half the box). Seemed just right.

So I guess I would say about S days, if you feel like eating something, eat a little of it. You may decide that's all you want. No big servings until you are sure you want them. This way you can have the treats you've been craving and not regret them so much.

Buy mini-cupcakes. They are probably big enough for the kids, too. In this regard, kids are like dogs (give me a second to finish the thought): a dog loves you just as much for a little bite of your hamburger as it would for half the hamburger.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:47 pm
by gettheweightoff
Thanks everyone. You've given me some nice encouragement and incentive to keep going.

I had my dinner but it wasn't all that satisfying so I had 4 extra mini shortbread cookies for dessert. There was a part of me that wanted to keep going and have a few more plus anything else I could get my hands on, BUT I stopped myself and I'm definitely done for the evening.

I don't know that I want to take another S day tomorrow because they are still a bit scary for me but I am proud that I had a successful S day (and by that I mean not going wild) last Saturday and this Saturday.