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Real Food comment shared

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:27 pm
by BrightAngel
Hi guys...The discussion between Kathleen and me
about Taubes' new book,
Why We Get Fat has now been completed.

That Discussion will be open to the general public at under the topic BOOKTALK,
which is where I plan to have many such future discussions on
various books of interest. I think the No S Diet will be the next one,
and maybe later I'll even include a Michael Pollen book.
I think this could become a very interesting place.

One of our ending exchanges involved the issue of "real food".
I'm posting it here in case anyone not involved in that Discussion
would like to make a comment.

Kathleen wrote:Whatever gene produces scientific curiosity bypassed me .
I am far more interested in a traditional (read: religious) approache
to controlling weight, only it used to be called gluttony.
There is something in me that rebels against the idea
that I have to constantly control what I eat and how much I eat,
and I think it comes down to trusting
that God didn't give us an appetite as a way for us to feel tortured.

Taubes has a great line on page 183:"
When people, experts or not, decide to review the evidence
on an issue dear to their hearts (me included),
they tend to see what they want to see.
I trust that something is amiss in our culture and not in our bodies
that has led to the obesity epidemic.
Those are my biases, and I'm self-aware enough to identify them.
I'm finding the information here useful as a way
to encourage me in trying fasting.
Image There is a scripture that says:
"Every good and perfect gift cometh from the father (meaning God)"
However, there are many things in this world that are neither
good nor perfect.

I won't waste our time talking about specific diseases, and wars
which have wiped out entire populations
But I will mention that there are now a great many diseases in the modern world
that cause a very large number of people to live with tremendous amount of pain and suffering.

I will mention the existence of Diabetes type I and type II which
perhaps were not in existence at the time of world's creation,
but which became prevalent in civilization after those societies
were introduced to the massive use of sugar and white flour.

There is no doubt that many poisonous plants exist in the world,
and the body of man was not designed to eat or tolerate them.

I propose that it is possible that God created the body to be nurtured
by "real" foods,
but that Man has chosen to alter foods that alter the body,
in a way similar, but not as immediately harmful, as poisonous plants alter it.

It isn't that the Basic foods caused man harm,
it's what man chose to do with those foods,
how that choice has affected generations over time,
and ultimately what we, as individuals now choose to eat.

.....NOTE: ...........somebody get wones over here.
bright angel is championing "real food"...........................

As a religious woman, I am certain you are aware
of the concept of "preverted appetite".
Although God gave man his senses and appetites,
man can choose to pervert or corrupt them.

There is nothing in scripture that indicates that God
intended for man to eat as much of everything he wants
whenever he wants. In fact the old testament is packed
with eating restriction references, as well as restrictions
on other appetites...such as man's sexual appetites.

I also think Taubes was correct when he said that people will see what they choose to see.