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Meals on NO "S" days

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:49 pm
I have been following the program for 1 week. I have read the book. I was looking at some of the other posts for "fall back food" to have on hand to eat on NO "S" days. i thought you could eat anything you wanted to as long as it fit the diet's criteria. i have been eating sausage mcmuffin for breakfast with fruit, salads with regular dressing/cheese, hamburgers, pizza, etc. If i am messing myself up by doing this, please let me know now! thanks alot. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:13 pm
by kccc
Whether you lose/gain on this kind of food depends on where you started, and what you were doing before.

A lot of people have "rebound" effect when they first start No-S and eat foods that are "forbidden" on other diets.

And that's okay for a while, just to get it out of your system. And - even more importantly - to build the "three-meal-a-day" habit.

For most people, the larger plates are balanced by the absence of snacks. (It is really astonishing how much a person can consume in a day's worth of snacks!)

But... if you were already on a 1200 calorie diet or the like, you might gain on what you're eating. And if that would freak you out, then perhaps you should choose a bit more carefully.

Everyone reacts differently. There have been people who've gained initially, then lost steadily as the habits fall into place. There have been other people who almost have a nervous breakdown over a tiny gain. There have been some who don't lose, but STOP gaining (which is progress in itself). There have been some who report rather astonishing losses.

You might look at my "Phases of No-S" post (it's a "sticky" above).

One of the aspects of No-S is that it forces a certain level of self-knowledge. Re-evaluation and personal adjustments are part of the system.

My advice would be to try this for a while, and see what's happening... and adjust as needed.

(Welcome and best wishes!)

Re: Meals on NO "S" days

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:21 pm
by Kevin
Well, NoS isn't magic, it's just a fairly easy-to-follow way to limit your intake of calories. If you manage to pack 800 calories on a plate three times a day, you probably aren't going to lose.

but on S days, eat the food you want. I usually start with a reasonable serving of whatever I want, and will eat more if I want more. There's no reason to eat yourself sick just because you can.
BSUDS wrote:I have been following the program for 1 week. I have read the book. I was looking at some of the other posts for "fall back food" to have on hand to eat on NO "S" days. i thought you could eat anything you wanted to as long as it fit the diet's criteria. i have been eating sausage mcmuffin for breakfast with fruit, salads with regular dressing/cheese, hamburgers, pizza, etc. If i am messing myself up by doing this, please let me know now! thanks alot. :)