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Another Helpful S-Day Tip from Tim Ferriss

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:52 pm
by storm fox
I really like this, and I think Reinhard has recommended the same. One of Ferriss' readers had problems with cravings during the week, but instead of caving to them, she kept a piece of paper with her and wrote down each item that sounded so amazing during the week. On the weekend, if she still wanted it, then she ate it. Ferriss is a bit too into nutritionism and micromanagement, and I dislike a lot about him, but this sounded just too good.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:58 pm
by NoelFigart
Hey, good ideas can come from odd places, and this isn't a bad one.

I read his book on that short work week. Funny, how he doesn't count promoting that rock star lifestyle as part of his work time. Never mind that it IS his product!

Re: Another Helpful S-Day Tip from Tim Ferriss

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:59 pm
by BrightAngel
storm fox wrote:I really like this, and I think Reinhard has recommended the same. One of Ferriss' readers had problems with cravings during the week, but instead of caving to them, she kept a piece of paper with her and wrote down each item that sounded so amazing during the week. On the weekend, if she still wanted it, then she ate it.
storm fox, That sounds like a good idea. Image

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:25 pm
by sarah.grace
I like this idea.
I use it for things that I want to bake- I'll find a fantastic-looking recipe or picture online, and want to make it immediately! Of course it's best to wait until S days to bake, so I can actually eat it! So I will write it down on a little list- and when S days come, if I still want to make something off the list, I will. It's a good test, also, of whether I really want something or not.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:01 am
by gk
I really like this idea, too.

As I was grocery shopping today I didn't really have any plan for what I would have on my S Days, so I found myself just kind of wandering, wondering what would be "S Worthy". Making a list will make me feel like I'm not wasting my S moments on something I picked up on a whim, and I'll get something that's really worth it.
