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Just ask WHY?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:43 pm
by gk
My son will never take "Just Because" as an answer to a question. It's always, "why?" "how come", "yeah, but WHY??". He will not give up until his question is answered.

I've started using his persistent approach to my persistent need to have sweets. Whenever it hits, I ask "WHY" do I want this?" "WHY do I have to have this now?" "Why can't I do _______ instead?" "Why can't this wait until an S day?" Ask enough persistent "why" questions and suddenly the validity of having something right then and there that will mess up my diet doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore.

I've really come to embrace the whole concept of examining the reason for the hunger (or lack thereof) and then finding an alternative for that situation (throw yourself into a project, browse the forum, exercise, read a health magazine, etc.)

Some of the simplest things help sometimes. It's all in how you look at it.