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New - Lazy Programmer Geek (stuck in IT for now)

Post by nonskanse » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:33 am

So for the past month I have been faithfully going to a health club-ish place, doing yoga 2xs a week and some aerobic stuff the other 3 (non S) days. And counting counting counting KCals.

Weekends have always been special, so this lets me keep them that way. Having been counting my calories so, I can see that cutting snacks could easily cut my consumption by 700kcal/day. That is more than a pound each week! Of course I expect to be doing some bigger meals for a while, what with the snack deprivation. I am a post-dinner grazer.

Being a geek in general, occasionally my exercise is that dance game (you know what I mean), but seeing how ripped one can get with just a sledgehammer... And I mean a librarian turned programmer? Geeky like me, so there's hope.

5'6" hoping to drop 2 sizes from an American 10. Weight is not a primary concern, but I'm tipping the scale from normal->overweight by bmi calculations so I'll keep an eye on that.

BUT my big problem is self control. I consider today day 1. I will be eating some big meals later this week. Valentines is not an S day since my boyfriend is a weekend trip to visit, but I intend to eat a lot of chocolate this upcoming weekend.

Wish me luck.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:54 am

Good luck geeky girl!
Have fun!
No ones going to stop you from counting calories here, but it isn't in the spirit of this program! LOL..
Hopefully you will find a middle path!
You can certainly lose two sizes with NoS, Yoga (my fave!!!)and SG...
I went down five inches in 15 months...
Try to enjoy your food instead of merely thinking of it in terms of calories..
This is a very important aspect of NoS... We all know that a hamburger with super large sized fries is more fattening than a salad, and a bag of popcorn is less fattening than two bags of popcorn...
It's much nicer to just approximate, intelligently, without being a slave to the exact science that is calorie obsession!
Hope you don't mind the gentle ribbing, but in the long term, associating food only as calories, gets pretty old...

Peace and Love,
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Post by MerryKat » Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:10 am

As Deb said - enjoy the freedom from constantly obsessing over calories that this program brings. I also have every aspect of my weightloss charted and graphed to death. And you know what it has been fantastic not to have to 'report' my habits. I just eat 3 meals a day and that is it - no arguements, discussions or trading with myself!

Welcome to a new mind set and a new life.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by nonskanse » Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:49 pm

I think seeing my numbers have "improved" will be a good motivator for the 2nd week of this, since that is usually my downfall.

Although it's probably a good idea to pay more attention to my good progress than my cals. (thank you Mo. I have been weighing in often enough with regular diets but I have suddenly thought of so many more things to chart... there I go getting silly again!)

As far as enjoying food, that's why I often have 2 bags of popcorn... I love food. ^_^ But I am going to have to *savor* the meals, you are right Deb.

Here's to not eating till lunchtime!
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Post by reinhard » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:11 pm

Welcome, Vicky.

Our great grandparents didn't know what a calorie was, and they were skinny. No-s (and urban ranger, and shovelglove) is basically just a way to approximate what they did to get and stay that way. They were "lucky," they had scarcity, inconvenience, and oppressive (at times) social structures to prop their behaviors up. We need rules. But once the habit is formed, there really isn't much difference.

You're right to be worried about the first few weeks -- that's the hard part. Then habit starts to pull you along rather than push against you. It's much better to get the hard part over with up front than have it ambush you later when you're feeling smug. And a few weeks isn't such a long time when you consider what's at stake.


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Good luck, Vicky...

Post by Kevin » Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:30 am

Ooh, I love the BNL reference!

Good luck. I'm sure you'll do great. It's worked really well for me.
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:02 pm

BNL is a nice band.

The quote was *partly* because the weather is consistently crappy this year. It doesn't snow enough or get cold enough for skiing, but it does snow enough to make the roads horrible.
"It's the perfect time of year
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