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Stuffed....and fed up with myself!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:03 am
by NoSRocks
Well, it's been another one of those over the top S Days for me today, I'm afraid! The one which has no organization; just mindless eating for the sake of it. Lots of starchy, sweet and fatty foods, not to mention lots of chocolate - which I don't really care for all that much these days, but just eat it because "it's an S Day and I can".

I started a few minutes ago of thinking I might try being stricter with myself or at least getting more organized with my eating, with s days in particular. Perhaps its because I'm feeling so overstuffed right now but feel my resolve to be really strong. Sounds crazy, no? Well, we'll see how i feel tomorrow morning at breakfast - maybe I'll be back to my S day and I can go mad way of thinking which isn't really what No S is about. However - One thing I don't want to do is fall down that slippery slope of diet -binge - diet because that just makes me feel more miserable and doesn't - HASn't achieved anything!

I'm really fed up having my waistband cutting into me everytime I sit down or bend over.

Sorry guys! Just felt like venting. Feel free to read/comment as you feel necessary. All advice is gratefully received as ever.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:08 am
by wosnes
Eating something that you don't particularly want just because it's an S day reminds me of buying something that you don't want or need -- just because it's on sale. It's a waste.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:22 am
by sarah.grace
Oh goodness. Can I just say, I completely relate, tonight??? All day, I've been on an S Day 'binge'.. eating all sorts of sweets and junk that I don't need, don't even WANT, just 'because I can.'
Ugh. So fed up with it! I woke up this morning with a good plan in my mind- I had 2 of my meals planned out, and a plan to go downtown and get a special treat (frozen yogurt).. And I was proud of myself for what was going to be my 'best' S day yet.
I don't know what changed my mind, but that has Not been my day. :? I've just been eating everything in sight, all day long. Blech.

*sigh* I really don't know how to 'fix' my S days, but I definitely understand your emotions on this issue. I keep hoping that, as the long-timers say, S days will eventually moderate themselves. I might be getting to the point that I need to implement some S day mods. We'll see.

I guess it is a good thing that we acknowledge how much these over-the-top S days suck, right? :)

So. You know what? Tomorrow IS going to be a better day. I am going to implement my plan (meals, special treat) from today, tomorrow, and I will not be sitting here tomorrow night feeling this Gross! We can do this.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:55 am
by TexArk
Most of us can relate to the S Day EatFest/Binge.

I still need to structure my S Days and I think that is OK. Here is something from the book, "The End of Overeating" that applies to us I thilnk.

Intervention begins with the knowledge that we have a moment of choice - BUT ONLY A MOMENT - to recognize what is about to happen and do something else instead.

This is so very true. I need rules to plan for S Days. That helps me with that moment of decision. I need to be very aware of trigger foods and either abstain or have a rule which limits my choices. An example might be, "I don't eat sweets unless I have one serving of something really special and have the opportunity for only one serving." (which means I don't bake a pan of brownies) Or, "I never eat pizza without eating a small salad first" which allows my hunger to subside before I have the first slice of pizza. In another words, some decisions are already made.

We are all different and I wish I could bake on the weekends or have one cookie a day like wosnes, but I have learned enough about myself now, and I am not willing to waste more time putting myself in harm's way to see if I can change :roll:

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:44 am
by NoSRocks
Hey guys! Many thanks for your awesome replies and great advice! I feel better already, having read your responses. I also think i was being a bit "all or nothingish" earlier. There's nothing to say I can't carry on as normal and hopefully gain BETTER and more sustainagble habits along the way. Sarah.grace - sending big ((((((HUGS)))))))) to you and thanking you for your enlighting and empathatic (sp?) post. Sorry to hear you're feeling like this too although on the positive side it's also reassuring and comforting (if you know what I mean) as this can be looked at as another stage in No S that we have to practice several times before we can be perfect. And WE WILL get there, no matter how long it takes. Gosh, does this make sense? I trust you guys know what I'm trying to say.

I apologize for my ramblings but its getting late and I'm sleepy now (no doubt all the food I ate making me feel drowsy too !) I'm feeling positive about tomorrow too, sarah.grace, let's see if we can make it a reasonable No S day together. If not, its not the end of the world and we can always try again next week.

PS: Thanks texark - your post is also AWESome!! Would write more but getting really tired now.
Good Evening, Alll!

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:01 am
by wosnes
TexArk wrote:
Intervention begins with the knowledge that we have a moment of choice - BUT ONLY A MOMENT - to recognize what is about to happen and do something else instead.

That reminds me of something I read in one of Bob Greene's books years ago. He said that when you were tempted to eat something, to take a few seconds and ask yourself "Do I really want this?". By asking yourself the question, and answering it, you make a decision and are acknowledging and accepting the consequences of that decision, whether it's potential weight gain (or lack of weight loss) or just feeling stuffed after overeating.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:18 pm
by oolala53
Yes, a large percentage of people here go through S days of overeating. For me, the pleasure of N days still makes using the plan worth it. Before No S, many of my days were like S days gone wild, or close to it.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:57 pm
by kccc
Realizing that over-eating makes you feel yucky is actually a VERY positive step, when you think about it. (Before No-S, I often felt yucky from over-eating and often didn't recognize it because it was so common.)

The next step is realizing that you don't like feeling yucky. ;) And that you can choose not to.

You might read "the phases of No-S" sticky above. I believe I had some notes about over-the-top S-days in it.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:58 pm
by NoelFigart
It is possible you'll want to add more rules, but I'd wait a bit just yet.

Over the top S-days are, as many have said, part of the process. But, bundled into this process is the fact that the threshold for "over the top" is going to become smaller and smaller.

I've done a few reality checks over the last few months, and I notice that when I feel like I've been over the top recently, my caloric intake has been about 30% less than the original over the top days.

Reinhard talks about "gentle pressure" sometimes when discussing how habits naturally evolve. If you have a lifetime of distorted habits, your emotional response might interfere with perceiving the facts involved. Mind do, and did, so I do make spot checks against reality. It's a fine line, because I don't want to fall back into any habits of micromanaging diet.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:30 pm
by BrightAngel
Image Some of us never conquer that Binge-Fast mentality,
and modifications need to be made to the basic No S plan.

However, those who are new to No S, can benefit greatly
from simply following the basic No S Diet Plan for awhile,
and watch what happens individually for them.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:24 pm
by Sienna
I don't know if it's so much a lack of emphasis on "Sometimes" as a different interpretation of what Sometimes means.

To me, the sometimes clause just means that I shouldn't feel compelled to eat something just because its an S day. It's basically a way to express that "No snacks, no Sweets, no seconds, except on days that start with "S"" doesn't imply that days that start with S must or even should have snacks, sweets or seconds.

I almost never have seconds, even on S days. In the rare instances that I do, it's because I intentionally put less on my plate than I would have on an N day because I knew I could get more. For example, when I have tacos for dinner, I have 2 tacos. They easily fit on one plate (I use small tortillas) and the meal would come in well under 500 calories. On N days, I make 2 tacos up, put them on a plate and enjoy, but on an S day, I might make 1 taco and eat it, and then make a second. Or maybe I'll decide to stop after the 1 taco and have a cookie or a bowl of ice cream instead.

On the other hand, I almost never have an S day that doesn't have at least 1 sweet. I don't gorge myself on 10,000 calories worth of sweets, but it's rare that I don't have any at all.

Snacking is kind of in between. But when I do snack, I tend to eat smaller (or non-existent) meals, so calorically it balances out.

But even though I take advantage of most S days, I think I embrace
"sometimes" because I never do/eat something I don't want to JUST BECAUSE it's an S day and I can. Rather, if I want it and it's an S day I allow it. And I never (anymore at least) look at an S day that didn't have snacks/sweets/seconds as a missed opportunity. It's just a day.

And overall, I think my experience has been similar to Noel's.
Over the top S-days are, as many have said, part of the process. But, bundled into this process is the fact that the threshold for "over the top" is going to become smaller and smaller.

I've done a few reality checks over the last few months, and I notice that when I feel like I've been over the top recently, my caloric intake has been about 30% less than the original over the top days.
I've felt like I have more "over the top" S days in the last few months than I did say 6 months ago. But when I really stop and look at what I now consider to be over the top, it's about what a "reasonable" S day was 6 months ago (actually a bit better). It's just that I've raised the bar for what I consider reasonable.

To NoSRocks: Keep trucking! You can do this, your body's feedback is a *good* thing. Embrace feeling like crap, because it will function as a reminder to your body to be just a little more moderate next time. And slowly you'll get more and more moderate. If you do decide to add some additional S day rules, I recommend focusing on "positive" rules instead of "negative" rules.

Things like:
Do eat 3 solid meals a day
*Do ask myself "Do I really want this?"
Do put away extra food before I eat
*Do eat sweets that I enjoy as opposed to those that I don't
Do pre-plan a special treat
Do drink a glass of water before indulging cravings

Instead of:
Don't eat snacks or Limit snacks to only 1
Don't eat more than 1 sweet per S day
Don't eat SpecificFood

I find that positives are more motivating, and more likely to feel like guidelines that I can work with (that will naturally help me improve my eating) instead of rules that I will want to rebel against and break. I've starred the two that I've started following (kind of naturally, I wouldn't even call them rules so much as things I've started to do.) The others are things I've considered or seen mentioned by others on the board, but never decided to implement.

The negatives are all things I've thought about doing, but ultimately decided not to - because I'd start to get panicking when I tried to envision myself following them Forever. NoS I can follow forever, and I don't get nervous when I think about following it forever. Any mods I make must also meet that standard.

Good luck going forward! Whatever you decide, you can do it!

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:55 pm
by oolala53
I think there can be a lot of confusion over what it means to "want" something. There are many S days on which I "want" to eat all day long and I do. I'm not very happy at the end but it doesn't stop it from happening. I think each person has to figure out for S days what is a good enough reason to eat. I'm just learning to accept that just wanting the food is not enough of a reason. Some of us do have to learn to put the brakes on eating freely just as we had to learn to put the brakes on eating on N days. Right now I am completely full but if there were some chocolate in the house, I would be eating it. But I doubt I'd be in a better place if I were following a traditional diet, so here I stay.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:00 pm
by gratefuldeb67
NoS Rocks, it will get better over time. Just recognising the feeling that you *don't* like over eating, is a huge step in awareness. Make sure not to beat yourself up. I think going overboard in the beginning is a common experience. You really have to give it time, for your body and your long term habits, to come to a moderate ground on their own. Just keep persisting and put your focus on N days. I personally find that trying to put rules on S days ruins them. But you should definitely make them enjoyable. And if you really don't enjoy that feeling of mindless snacking, then just pay attention and ask yourself throughout the weekend, "am i enjoying this?"... seriously, putting restrictions on the weekend ends up back firing because then you feel even more disappointed if you don't keep to your rules, and i think that sets you up even more for the "screw it i'm gonna go nuts" attitude afterward, almost in a self punishing kind of way.
Change your perspective. It's *good* that you at least realise that you don't like the overstuffed yucky feeling, and you would only know that, by slipping up a bit. You learned stuff about yourself and that's progress :)
8) Debs

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:29 pm
by Becoming
sarah.grace wrote:*sigh* I really don't know how to 'fix' my S days, but I definitely understand your emotions on this issue. I keep hoping that, as the long-timers say, S days will eventually moderate themselves.
This is exactly where I am at the moment. 5 weeks of No-S, and hardly a single S-Day where I haven't ended up being completely overindulgent. I'm trying to focus on the fact that this feeling is only happening 2 days out of 7, whereas before No-S, it was happening most days of the week. I just haven't reached the place yet where I can have my esses without "being an idiot." I don't want that horrible sluggish overfull feeling, but I still feel compelled to eat waaaay too much.
oolala53 wrote:But I doubt I'd be in a better place if I were following a traditional diet, so here I stay.
Instinctively, I feel like I'm not ready to make mods for S-Days yet. No-S has brought so much good into my life, so I'm putting my faith in the system. I'm not gaining weight, so I feel ok with waiting to see how things evolve.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:22 pm
by Kevin
I think the idea of S days is to give yourself a little leeway, so you can have that sweet you've been craving, or a second serving of something really good, or a couple of pretzels for a snack if you've been doing housework.

Plan desert for a meal or two (or three) and there's your sweets. Have a snack in the middle of the afternoon if you so choose.

Maybe I don't have the quite the cravings other people do, so maybe it's easier for me. NoS works because it is a sustainable way to limit your caloric intake by limiting your opportunities to eat. It's about moderation - even on S days.

I *know* that there have been S weekends where I've undone everything I've done during the week. I'm not doing that anymore.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:32 pm
by NoelFigart
Kevin, it's possible you've never done the diet cycle thing, and that's awesome. It sucks and it distorts your view of things. You feel extreme guilt for even the smallest indulgence, so having a cookie probably is blown all out of proportion.

These days? Yeah, I'm more or less where you are. In fact, I had no S events at all today 'cause.... well, I didn't really want anything special. Next week? I probably will.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:10 pm
by NoSRocks
Again, everyone, thank you SO much for your very interesting and not to mention, helpful posts! I always feel better after reading your input. I just wish I could get my head around the S Days a little better. Today, for example, I just nibbled and scarfed my way throughout. AGAIN. Said I wasn't going to do that, but.....

Really looking forward to my N Days now, which is definitely one of the great side effects of the No S Diet. I will take time to read over all your posts again and I do hope like many of you have discovered, that my S days will gradually get under control. If not, I'm in danger of abandoning the No S diet again in search of some other "diet" and well, we all know where that can lead to. But I don't want to end on a less than positive note so thank you so very much again, folks! Your suggestions, ideas and input are all fantastic and very much appreciated ! :D :D

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:47 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
I have a couple of mods to keep me from grazing all day:

1. No eating food directly from a package, unless you're out of the house and it's a single-serving package. At home, all food has to go on a plate or in a bowl before I can eat it. No keeping the package handy while you're eating, either- it has to be closed up and put away before you can start eating. This rule applies on S days as well as on N days. I call it the NEP mod, which stands for No Eating from Packages.

2. No eating in any position other than sitting. That means no eating while standing up. This rule applies on N and S days. This is the Sitting mod.

3. All food must be kept in the kitchen. You can bring food somewhere else to eat it, but you can't keep a stash of food anywhere other than the kitchen. (This one isn't a mod for me, since we were doing this pre-No-S, but it could be a mod for people who don't do it already).

4. The kitchen and dining room are for preparing meals, eating meals (and snacks on S days), and cleaning up after meals. Don't hang out there at other times. Have some other place for watching TV, surfing the internet, sitting and talking, etc. I mostly did this before No S.

5. I don't buy a lot of sweets or snack foods. When I do, I try to buy individual servings. If that's not an option, then I buy the smallest package of them that I can find. (I don't track this one as a mod, because I can't figure out how to do it with HabitCal, but I keep it as a general rule). I figure that a lot of sweets or snack foods for not much money is not a deal I really need.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:11 pm
by Starla
One lesson I have had to learn over and over and over is that I cannot eat what I do not have. I can't snack all day on sweets if there aren't any in the house. I am much more likely to limit my S day to a single, decadent treat if that's all I buy.

This weekend my treats were:

Saturday - chocolate-covered almonds and five Twizzlers;
Sunday - a single scoop ice cream cone (from an ice cream shop; the good stuff).

Could I have eaten more? Oh, absolutely. I know that, even after a year and a half of No S, I am capable of eating large quantities of sweets. But putting a little bit of an obstacle in my way can be enough to stop me from excess indulgence.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:30 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
Starla wrote:putting a little bit of an obstacle in my way can be enough to stop me from excess indulgence.
Brian Wansink talks about this in his book, Mindless Eating. Even a tiny bit of extra inconvenience can make people eat surprisingly less. It makes a difference to the number of Hershey Kisses you'll eat per day if you keep them in an opaque container rather than a transparent one (if you see them all the time, you eat more). Keeping them 6 feet away, instead of in easy reach, means you eat significantly less of them.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:17 pm
by NoSRocks
Starla and Nicest! Your ideas sound GREAT! I know it's all common sense really at the end of the day but sometimes one (i.e. me) has to see it written down in black and white and from people who've had success with the particular mod(s) in order for it to sink in!

This am, I went through my freezer; Man, do I spend a LOT of money on treats - half of which never get eaten! Reluctantly, but feeling positive, I tossed most of them into the trash. i.e. all the scones, cake bars, baked goods that I had accumulated over the past weeks. Some of which were probably past their sell by date anyway. There's stuff in there I obviously couldn't throw out - ice cream etc. which is for the husband and kids. I suppose they could benefit by it not being there but I don't want to come across as big bad mommy :twisted:

Buying a special treat for myself on S Days is an excellent idea since I don't want to deny all treats. It just wouldn't work anyway. It's tempting to try being ruthless, particularly as this is an N Day and my willpower is back in full force, and the fact that I can't control myself too well around sweet foods, but I have to be realistic. Here's to another great week on No S, folks!!

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:36 pm
by marygrace
Nicest of the Damned wrote: 5. I don't buy a lot of sweets or snack foods. When I do, I try to buy individual servings. If that's not an option, then I buy the smallest package of them that I can find. (I don't track this one as a mod, because I can't figure out how to do it with HabitCal, but I keep it as a general rule). I figure that a lot of sweets or snack foods for not much money is not a deal I really need.
I think this is key. The easiest way to avoid grazing all day is to just not have snack foods in the house--it automatically forces you to think about the things you'd REALLY like to have rather than just settling for whatever is in the kitchen. And when you settle for whatever's in the kitchen instead of getting what you really want, you just end up eating and eating and eating, because you didn't satisfy the craving. It took me many, many weekends of making that mistake (and feeling sick afterwards) before I figured this out.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:07 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
NoSRocks wrote:This am, I went through my freezer; Man, do I spend a LOT of money on treats - half of which never get eaten! Reluctantly, but feeling positive, I tossed most of them into the trash. i.e. all the scones, cake bars, baked goods that I had accumulated over the past weeks. Some of which were probably past their sell by date anyway.
Good for you!

If I want to throw food out, I pretty much have to do it when Nicest Husband isn't looking. I have to struggle with my own ingrained ideas that "wasting food" is bad, from my upbringing, as well. I keep telling myself that food is cheap and the extra medical care I'll need if I eat too much is expensive.
There's stuff in there I obviously couldn't throw out - ice cream etc. which is for the husband and kids. I suppose they could benefit by it not being there but I don't want to come across as big bad mommy :twisted:
Could you try limiting the husband and kids to one or two types of treats each at any one time? If you have more variety of snack foods, you'll eat more. The phenomenon is called specific satiety, and is why people tend to overeat at buffets:

How old are the kids? Are they old enough that you could explain to them that you need to have less sweets and snack foods in the house? If you go this road, make sure they understand that it's not any kind of punishment for anything they did or didn't do, it's a problem you have. Kids can think that something is their fault or is about something they did unless you specifically tell them it isn't.
Buying a special treat for myself on S Days is an excellent idea since I don't want to deny all treats.
I buy myself special treats for some S days. The real upside is, I find I don't eat sweets other than those any more. It just doesn't seem as good, without that extra little bit of ceremony, and not every treat seems worth doing that for.
marygrace wrote:I think this is key. The easiest way to avoid grazing all day is to just not have snack foods in the house
It's necessary, but not sufficient. I limited the snack foods I bought before I was on No S, and I was still overweight. And, of course, that doesn't always work when you've got other people in the house who need or want snack foods. I find the "no eating from packages" and "no eating except when sitting" rules to be very effective in helping me not graze.
And when you settle for whatever's in the kitchen instead of getting what you really want, you just end up eating and eating and eating, because you didn't satisfy the craving.
This is the difference between hunger and cravings. Hunger is physical, and will be satisfied by eating whatever's in the kitchen. Cravings are mental, and will not. If you remind yourself that cravings are thoughts, and can't harm you if you don't listen to them, they're much easier to resist.

A technique I use to deal with cravings is to step back from them mentally (something similar can be done with other unwanted thoughts). I say to myself, "I notice that my mind is craving <whatever>". I don't try to get rid of the craving, just let it be. It will go away on its own, eventually, even if it's not satisfied. A food craving is not a red emergency alert that has to be dealt with right now. Some food manufacturers would like for you to think it is, but that doesn't make it so.

I have proof that cravings will go away on their own. Last Friday, I was having a major craving for chocolate. I told myself, "you can have chocolate after dinner, when your S day starts." But by dinnertime, the craving had gone away. I ended up not having any chocolate.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:00 am
by NoSRocks
Again - thanks so much folks for all your helpful input. I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate it. I hope I can return the favor myself sometime.

The kids are young but old enough to understand the monitoring of their treats, I guess. DH could also do with losing a few lbs. I know he wouldn't eat the "naughty" stuff so much if I didn't buy it. Not wishing to stereotype, but i find that men don't seem to have the same sweet cravings or they approach it in a different way - as I said, if its not there, they won't go out of their way to buy it. This is simply my own observation and if you (guys) beg to differ, hey that's okay by me. :lol:

Nicest: now its my turn to say please don't be too hard on yourself this evening since it sounds like you had a bit of an emergency on your hands with your freezer situation! This definitely comes under the bracket of extenuating circumstances if ever there was one - plus overall, it didn't sound like you went overboard. Here's to a successful week, folks!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:32 pm
by Mrandy1
Well today's an S day----so enjoy it but before you eat whatever you are gonna eat perhaps just ask yourself "ok I'm allowed to have this...but do I really want it?"---I'm very new to this whole thing, but what I'm gonna try to do today is enjoy the feeling of knowing I can do whatever I want, but within reason.

Have fun!

We can tighten the reins on Monday!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:17 pm
by oolala53
I gotta say, I'm not sure what the right question is because I am a binger and it is not often that I don't "want" food. Even if I'm sitting stuffed and bloated, I can still want food. But I have certainly gotten to the point with No S where I don't still keep eating it as often or get to that point as often. I guess what I sometimes ask is am I willing to feel even worse? Sometimes, the answer is yes, to my chagrin. But, I don't believe there's a better way to cure it than No S.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:36 pm
by NoSRocks
WELL SAID, oolala! I, too am a binge/emotional type eater. I eat for comfort AND pleasure. If I had my way, I'd no doubt binge on sweet, starchy foods every day of the week. I used to more or less binge most days before No S. Or rather: have a half-hearted attempt at a diet for a day or two, then totally give into my cravings! I just couldn't stand the 'emptiness' both mentally and physically that traditional diets/cutting down on food gave me.

I truly believe No S has and will continue to help me with this life long problem. Today (Saturday) has been a more controlled S Day than I've had in a while. Granted I did have a ginormous serving of cheesecake and ice cream for dessert. But I felt satiated and satisfied after it and I stuck pretty much to the 3 meals a day rule throughout the day. Don't want to get too carried away and trim my S Days down too far and too quickly though. As debs stated (brilliantly!) too much restrictions/overthinking of S Days will just spoil them and give one nothing to look forward to.