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new here

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:00 pm
by snapdragon
hi everone....I am new to this. I actually have thought of a different version of this before finding no"S" but is was sorta half baked just three meals a day but the no seconds and sweets makes this a much better well thought out plan. I also have been saturated with the idea that you have to eat constanly to keep your metabolism going. I had a personal trainer for 6 months and she would have me write everything I ate and she would get on my case about eating more often. She actually said every 2 hours!!! Easy for a tiny 22 year old! I found I thought about food and ate all the time. Every diet plan I looked at and everyone at the health club went on and on abot eating no less than 5 times a day or "YOU WILL DESTROY YOUR METABOLISM" I scrapped that idea.
I then came across this and I am.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:54 pm
by SpiritSong
Welcome, Snapdragon!

I love No S for its common sense approach. You know what you get from eating every two hours? A lot of calories down your throat! I spent some time on that bandwagon (oh, no, my body will think it's starving!!) and like you said, you have to think about food all the time. And my body was probably thinking, "Woohoo, look at all this food! At this rate, I'll never need to use up any of the precious fat I've stored up. In fact, maybe I'll make some more!"

The people here are proof that you can eat a mere three meals a day and still survive. :roll:

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:36 pm
by Kevin
Oh, Snap! (Sorry. I had to).

Glad to see you here. My metabolism is better on three than on five meals.