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Planning for S-day treats

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:09 pm
by NoelFigart
So, Wednesday, I got a bunch of cookies from the King Arthur bakery. I put them in the freezer, planning to enjoy a few come S-days.

I don't know how other people are, but I've noticed that for myself, planning for and looking forward to S-day treats is amazingly good for keeping the S-day sane.

So, I had a normal breakfast when I got up. Then I settled down to work (I'm self-employed. This means I work ALL the time. That Four Hour Workweek stuff is nonsense). After a few hours, I got up to get a cup of coffee and had a cookie with it.

One Cookie.

Not because I was trying to be "good". (I wasn't). But because I'd planned to enjoy one after working a few hours on a Saturday. I'd been visualizing how tasty it would be to eat a cookie, how wonderful that rich chocolate would taste.

Because I'd been prepped for and was emotionally invested in that one cookie, I was satisfied without going crazy.

I wasn't thinking, "Oh I should only have one." I was looking FORWARD to having it without mentally applying scarcity or limitations. (The year is full of S-days and the world is full of cookies.)

It's why I think Reinhard is sooo right when he talks about planning a GOOD treat for yourself on an S-day. While there aren't any real limitations, you really DO impress your appetite by setting yourself up to look forward to something good.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:14 pm
by ellgee
It is pretty amazing, right? I am brand, spanking new to No S and here I am on my very first official S day and I'm actually thinking of what I want to have today. I had a regular breakfast of coffee, toast and sausage.

Remember the chocolates I was saving? They are still sitting in my kitchen wrapped up because I really think I'd like to have ice cream later this evening. I truly thought as soon as my eyes flew open this morning it was going to be an all out eating fest starting with those candies. I realize the day ain't over yet, but it's starting out great.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:55 pm
by snapdragon
I enjoy it too and this weekend is the first weekend I went overboard with the sweets. I usually look forward to making something with my kids, this weekend I made some cookies that were just too good to resist. (I just ate 8 of them and they arent that small either) sigh....back to the drawing board.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:56 pm
by ellgee
Well, I feel ya. I didn't go completely bananas but the weekend hasn't been the floating along having a small occasional treat each day that I had envisioned. It did help that some of the chocolates I was saving were obviously old when I opened them and I tossed them. But I did have some delectable truffles. Then some of the other things I ate were just not good but I ate them anyway - sopapilla cheesecake that was waaay too sweet and some gritty ice cream that definitely needs to be tossed. I hope I get more selective as time goes on. Hopefully, that's all part of the process. My No S days were totally on the mark and I plan to have just as good a week coming up.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:50 pm
by mime
I am always browsing for new dark chocolate to try on my S days. There are many new flavors out there, and of course my husband enjoys them all the time. Found a Lindt intense mint dark chocolate bar for this weekend and it was the best! I only had a few squares, but that is all that was needed. My other treat is to have different nuts on the weekend, our cupboard is stocked with a lot of varieties. This weekend it was cashews! I did try a girl scout cookie my daughter bought - a dulce de leche cookie, a nice new flavor, but after eating one, found it too sweet.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:59 pm
by oolala53
It has only recently been possible for me to even think of planning for one or two simple treats. I have modified my S days because it just wasn't happening for me that the desire for going overboard was going away on its own. Even though I've had two good weekends, it still doesn't sound like fun or desirable to HAVe to be vigilant, whereas I don't feel a desire to buck against N days and haven't for more than a year.

On one of the weekends, I did get a lava cake (two single servings) from Trader Joe's and had one. It was heavenly and I wasn't hungry for more at the time. But I ended up having something else last weekend, so there's still one in the freezer.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:46 am
by sarah.grace
I know that planning S day treats is a great idea. I just haven't been able to make it work for me yet! But every weekend is a new try. :)

I have been wanting Boston cream pie for a long time, but I can't figure out how to make a mini one. It's not the kind of recipe you can scale down to serve one person! I've seen cute little cupcake versions, but you end up with 12 of those. I only need one...

I keep trying to plan these yummy S-es but when I can't figure it out I say Heck with it, and eat a bunch of non-fulfilling junk instead.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:59 am
by NoelFigart
re: cupcakes:

I will point out most desserts freeze rather well.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:36 pm
by sarah.grace
I have frozen cupcakes and cake layers before, so that would be plausible. have you ever frozen pudding or filling? Or maybe I can find a single-serving pudding recipe- I seem to recall one floating around here recently.

Ya know, I am just really good at excuses and reasons for not being rational on my S days. I think I will do better this weekend though. I will figure out a plan. :)