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Quick opinion on NWS-worthiness

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:50 pm
by thtrchic
I'm struggling with whether or not a party I am going to tonight can be legitimately a S-event.

It's a going away party for someone at work. He's been here 11 years, but I've only been here a year and a half. We're not good friends, but certainly friendly. It's a huge staff thing and everyone is very ramped up about food and what everyone's bringing -- including a lot of desserts. I've had 3 other NWS days this month (my birthday, the opening of a show, and the first night of passover) plus some somewhat excessive S days going along with those events. Weight is definitely up this month a pound or so, but habit has actually been right on, which I'm very pleased about. I've been saying I wasn't going to call this an exception day and just eat a plate of regular food and nothing else. I realize now it'll have to be virtual plated based on the plates and the environment, but that could probably be done. But I'm getting some pressure from people here about restricting being silly or excessive given the event and now am just not sure what's legit. I could really use another voice or two with their opinions on the matter.


Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:56 pm
by NoelFigart
I'd definitely be at least virtually plating for this. Co-workers are not worth an S. (Clients, maybe, but it's never been found necessary).

I'd pick some savory made by by the gossipiest harridan at the office to oooh and ahhh over, and no-one would know I was "dieting", and I'd earn points with the interfering battle-axe in the bargain.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:05 pm
by kccc
Just don't make a big deal of it... or let others.

If you are verbally appreciative, that often satisfies people. (As Noel says, ooh and ah).

If it's hard for YOU, think about what would help. Some strategies...
- Pick your faves out of the non-sweet stuff for your one plate. Cruise and look at everything before you select
- Take home something sweet for tomorrow, if that is socially acceptable. (Then when someone says "did you try" you can say "I'm too full right now, but I took some for later." They don't need to know later is next day, not in a few hours.)
- Enjoy every bite you DO take - eat slowly, and savor
- Eyeball the mini-plates, and decide in advance how many constitute a "regular" plate. At events, it's usually 2-3 of the small ones, depending on how much can be put on them.
- Talk a lot! :)
- When you're done, move away from the food. Hold a drink so you look social.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:12 pm
by thtrchic
Thank you both! This is exactly what I needed to hear. Especially from the two of you. I'm going to do all of this and am feeling much better about it. And know I'll feel so much better going to bed tonight knowing I did the "right" thing. And I'll enjoy my sweets tomorrow more for it too. :)


Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:14 pm
by thtrchic
The other (kind of obvious) thought that's just popped in my head is that I CAN do whatever I want -- the key is to decide what I actually want most. I want to be healthier, stick to my plan, and lose weight more than I want to excessively munch at one random party. I will add keeping this in my head to the list of strategies for tonight. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:35 pm
by kccc
thtrchic wrote:The other (kind of obvious) thought that's just popped in my head is that I CAN do whatever I want -- the key is to decide what I actually want most. :)
Absolutely! You CAN do what you want! Your choice!

("Recognize choice" is one of my regular mantras. I sometimes turn my choices into obligations, so need that reminder at times.... )