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moods revealed

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:48 pm
by finallyfull
This is my fourth week back on No S, and it is very interesting to see what this reveals about my moods. I am kind of a nibbler, usually, and there are times when I definitely want to eat between meals. I have noticed several things. First, that I snack when I am bored. Now that I can't snack, I can't help but stare the fact of my boredom in the face and consider alternative (and constructive) ways to deal with it. I could eat, or I could alter my routine and actually improve my life. I'll normally pick snacks everytime (pathetic), but not now. In a way, this shows me that food keeps me boring! :idea:

Secondly, I nibble when I'm anxious or stressed. Another important point: I should DO something about whatever is causing me stress, and if it's nothing, I should consider that, too. Maybe I need a formal relaxation plan like yoga or something. Food hides this need. No S helps me see my life more clearly.

Third: I am anxious when I am truly hungry. Now that I get actual, bonafide hunger pangs when it gets closer to meal time, I can see how my mood coincides with this to create a strong desire to eat. I think this is my body's healthy way of letting me know I need food for survival. The reason this is important is that I had previously arranged my eating in a way that maximized hunger at naturally anxious times, setting me up for overeating. For instance, I would eat lunch at noon, and so at 3:30 when the kids came home and were competing for my attention, asking for snacks, stressing about homework, etc, I was too far away from a meal to resist. Now I eat lunch at 2:30 or 3, and I'm totally full, and calm, when they come home. No more "danger" of snacking, and I am happy and peaceful until dinner time. Also, because I'm full and calm, I am in a much better frame of mind to make them healthy food, because I'm not lured into eating junk myself. This habit also eased my urge to eat while I cook dinner, because of the late lunch.

Previously I would sometimes eat dinner too early, because, again, I was hungry from eating lunch too early, and then if I felt bored at night I would want to snack. Now I'm full from dinner until bed-time, and if I feel bored, I do something interesting instead of eating.

If I never lose an ounce this is just plain old sanity. :idea:

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:32 am
by gratefuldeb67
great post! :)

Re: moods revealed

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:24 am
by kccc
What a great post!
finallyfull wrote:
If I never lose an ounce this is just plain old sanity. :idea:
My favorite line. :)

So many of us use food as a mis-guided form of self-nurture... and turn to better strategies when we stop masking our real needs with food!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:52 am
by Who Me?
Great insights.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:24 pm
by Grammy G
I am sure most of us here could identify with this post... In fact, could have written it! Thanks for bringing this to the forefront and confronting the issue for all of us!

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:47 am
by audiomama
This is why I am so committed to NoS. I've had a similar experience as yours, thanks for expressing it so well.