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vent (long)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:50 pm
by kariev34
Ok guys. Please bare with me as this is a long venting post. I'm so FED UP with my obsession with food. I have to admit, I have not given no S a true 100% shot. I'm actually rereading the book now. For me, I lost 35lbs over 12 years ago just by doing exactly what no S says to do (but at that time there was no s, i just did it logically). I ate this way for 3-4 years and then came across the body for life program. For those who are unfamiliar with it, it states to do 6 mini meals per day balancing carbs, protein and fats and one day a week you have a free day. Well this is exactly when my obsession began as well as my binge eating disorder.

So here I am struggling to just get back to normal. I had a horrible binge on sunday. I actually had a food hangover yesterday and i'm finally feeling back to normal today. Why did I binge this time, because I just wanted to feel full. I've been reading a lot of fitness and nutrition books/magazines these past few months and I've been falling back into the whole eat "x" amount of times per day and never go longer then 3 hrs without food. I'm so afraid of being hungry that eve at the slightest bit of hunger I freak out eat something. I think these little meals makes my blood sugar crazy.

I just want to stop obsessing. I need to take the plunge and just stick with no S for 21 days with no mess ups. I know i need to make this a habit again. The more I think about mini meals the more I just don't see the purpose. If I eat 1500 -1800 cals per day, how in the world am I going to feel satisfied breaking that into 6 meals of 200-300 cals. My body doesn't even register that as eating. Hence, I end up eating more by days end because i'm never full. I would much rather eat 3 500-600 cals each meal.

I'm sorry this is so long, I just needed to vent. I feel like i'm making things more complicated then it has to be. And not to mention the whole calorie thing, i'm sick of other diets making me afraid of good foods like whole grain bread, bananas, and potatoes. I'm so lucky that this type of book and forum exists. I just can't keep doing this anymore. I've been so focused on eating all of my mini meals at certain times that I don't do a good job at work or I skip doing other things to make sure I can eat. Its terrible. So thanks for listening.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:36 pm
by wosnes
I think one of the downfalls of all the food/diet information we are exposed to is that it complicates eating. Eating shouldn't be complicated!

Personally, I wouldn't try for 21 days with no mess-ups -- especially initially. That's putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself and laying the ground work for obsession and guilt. I would try for 21 days and see where mess-ups occur. Then work on that area.

As for hunger, remember, there's nothing wrong with being hungry. Hunger isn't a bad thing and it's not an emergency.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:00 pm
by oolala53
So funny you posted this. Did you see the topic on Binge Eating Disorder just posted? There is hope. You just have to get through a some stints of multiple N days, even if you can't do five a week right away.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:15 am
by Who Me?
Welcome! This is a great place. The people here are honest, kind, supportive and often very funny. They're here to cheer your successes and to help you dust off when you slip and fall.

Reading back through old postings is quite interesting.

Don't try for perfection. Many people seem to find writing about the rough parts as valuable as celebrating the successes.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:47 am
by KareBear
I am glad you posted! This is certainly where you need to be! I am 41 years old and seriously, have been obsessed with food/weight for the past 30 years. Enough already! We only get one time around, and I am tired of spending it worrying about what I am eating and how I look. When I follow No S, it takes all the focus off of food and worry and I have more time to concentrate on me. I am working on being nice to myself with my self talk and that is really helping.

I agree with the other posts! Just focus on No S, the best you can. Don't add anything extra or put any additional pressure on yourself. Celebrate EVERY SUCCESS but don't dwell on your falls. You can do it and you deserve IT!

We are all here for you.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 5:45 am
by oolala53
You're lucky you found No S now. I can tell you you could have gone on another 15 years at this food problem. I feel I am healing, finally. Have fun!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:49 am
by kariev34
thank you all for the support. I really appreciate it. Its so crazy how no S used to be so natural for me and how my brain has been warped from many years of diet "rules". I had my normal breakfast but added a banana to it this a.m.. That was suprisingly hard as all the diet guru's state how bananas are fattening. Today will be day one of really giving it a go. I think the hardest part of the day for me is at night after dinner. Partly out of habit I snack. I'm so used to restricting during the day that i'm often hungry at night as my body wants more nourishment. I need to eat more of a substantial dinner and see what happens.

I'm just so sick of all the rules. Eating shouldn't be this difficult and hunger shouldn't be this terrible event. I know it will take some time to adjust back to this but I know this is whats best for me.

Re: vent (long)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:40 pm
by BrightAngel
kariev34 wrote: I'm so FED UP with my obsession with food.
I understand that feeling exactly. Image
Years of Therapy and many diets...including No S...didn't eliminate it.
The only thing that has worked for me is to ACCEPT the obsession
as a normal and ongoing part of my life,
and work toward learning to enjoy it.

I am now able to look at dieting..along with all of its aspects...
as an enjoyable Hobby.
I even established a website about it at,
and am making recipe and motivational videos.
Everyone here is especially welcome there.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:55 pm
by mbell
Hi :) You know what helped me? Getting rid of every single book about nutrition and dieting (except one of course!). It was quite scary to see just how many books I'd spent my hard earned money on. I took 3 (yes 3) sackfuls of books to the local tip to be pulped as I didn't want them to be bought by other people only for them to continue the whole sorry cycle. It was very scary at first as they were my security blanket but now I feel free from all that stuff about what and when to eat. thoroughly recommended!!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:49 pm
by oolala53
Along with fearless adoption of No S, I suggest plunging yourself into developing a new interest, perhaps something you've had on the back burner for a long time. Now would be a good time to increase your friendship circle or spend more time with those you wish to as well. I know in my own case a lot of years were spent hiding out, not even realizing I was fretting about how to spend my time. I still am learning, but I realize this is what life is supposed to be, nothing less and nothing more.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:00 am
by clarinetgal
Good for you! Like others have said, I would do the 21 days, but just do the best you can. If you make mistakes during these 21 days, just learn from them and move on to the next 21 days, and then go from there.
Yes, one of the things I love about No S is that no food is bad (you just have to wait to eat certain foods, like sweets). I, too, got really tired of books that said you can't eat things like bananas or potatoes.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:57 am
by Blithe Morning
I too suggest re-framing your expectations for your first 21 days. Instead of thinking "I have to do this perfectly" you may want to view it as "I'm going to begin my learning curve." Work to be as compliant as possible, but if there is "fail" (or non-compliance if fail is too loaded a word for you) try to understand why it happened. Nothing is truly a failure if you learn from it.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 12:40 pm
by kccc
Blithe Morning wrote: Nothing is truly a failure if you learn from it.
What a GREAT quote! Belongs on the "sticky" page, IMHO. (And applies to more than No-S.)