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Do you need to Plan?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:54 pm
by BrightAngel
Do you agree with this popular quote?
If so, WHAT KIND of Planning do you personally need?
HOW MUCH Planning works for you?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:16 pm
by sophiasapientia
Yes, The quote holds true for me.

Some of the ways I plan?

Making a meal plan and grocery list every week, based on what is on season, on sale and what sounds good. This way I don't need to stress out at the last minute on what to make for dinner. I plan easier meals, pull somehing from the freezer or serve planned leftovers for busy nights.

Looking at my schedule each day and figuring out when I'm going to fit exercise in. I prefer to have a consistent time, first thing on the am, but if that doesn't work, I set aside a different time.

Having "Intelligent Dietary Defaults" at restaurants we frequent often.

Having a general idea of what I want as my special S Day treats before the weekend and planning accordingly.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:28 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
I'm not a planner by nature, but I force myself to plan meals in advance. There's research showing that people who plan meals eat healthier food than those who don't, and this squares with my personal experience.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:29 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Yes I plan what I am going to eat each day in advance (always exercise at the same time so that is pre-planned as well, I suppose). Unless something unexpected comes up, I stay with the plan.


Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:43 pm
by noni
I find planning for most things work well for me. The only time it didn't was when I was on No S the first time. I planned my S days with great calculation regarding all the treats I missed during the week. I froze them, stored them, baked them and gorged on them ever S day. It was my downfall.

I've come the second time to No S, hopefully a little wiser and humbler. This time around I will NOT plan out my S days. It's still early, but so far it's working. I guess I AM PLANNING not to plan, so this statement would be totally true for me in that case :?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:46 pm
by Blithe Morning
If I were a gazillionairess, I would hire Jamie Oliver to be my personal executive chef. Shoot, he wouldn't even have to cook - just plan the meals and one of his staff could set up the mise en place since I like the cooking a little bit too.

Since I'm not a gazillionairess, I do plan otherwise I spend too much money and get in a food rut. I actually don't mind food ruts, I'm the kind of person who can eat the same thing month after month. However, DH doesn't mind a few things repeated every week (Fridays are taco night at my house) but he does like a little variety.


Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:35 pm
by NoSnacker
hi all, for the most part i prepare my breakfast/lunch the night before for work, only because i don't have time to mess around in the morning.

dinner, i can pretty much have a plan, but if my tummy decides one something else i change up. i rather eat something that satisfies me and not end up binging then eating something that was not satisfying and binging.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:29 am
by oolala53
I don't call it planning. Over a period of years, I've come to eat certain foods. I shop and buy them to have in the house. I cook them in bulk and have them to make into meals with added sauces. Since I have the foods, when I go to make a meal, I just choose among them. I hardly even think ahead of time which ones I'll have when. Will I have chicken, beef, seafood, or eggs at lunch or dinner? Cooked rye berries, whole oats, whole grain bread, hi-fiber tortillas? Two of a variety of veggies? which fruit? Milk, cottage cheese, yogurt? I always have them, so I don't have to "plan."

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:33 am
by sheepish
I don't need to plan but I like to. Basically because I like food (that's how I got fat in the first place!) and I get a lot of pleasure out of searching for new food ideas and trying them out, as well as planning to make favourite meals, etc.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:23 pm
by oolala53
Oh, I'm single, I should mention. If I had a family, I would probably plan some and make more formal dishes that take more time to prepare--but I'd make enough to freeze for another day!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:03 pm
by SkyKitty
I'm a planner. I love to sit down with my cookbooks and paln the meals for the week ahead and write the shopping list for them. It makes me feel excited about meals, which helps reduce the feeling of needing snacks.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:24 pm
by TexArk
I guess the answer depends on your definition of "Plan." No I don't plan out a week's menus any more. I have done that it in the past, but it reminds me too much of Weight Watchers. Also, I tend to eat more when I plan! It keeps me focused on food way too much. On NoS my planning for S Days got me into big trouble.

But..I do have a big notebook of recipes and tons of cookbooks (I collect old ones...before canned soups!) and a recipe box at I have a small chest freezer which is handy to take advantage of good buys and also saves trips to the grocery store for meats. I am now buying my beef, pork, and eggs from a local farmer which is a real treat.

I no longer go to the grocery store or farmer's market with a recipe or my meal plan. I shop for what is on sale, what is in season, what looks good. Then when I get back home I pick out a matching recipe or menu. I am sort of a modern day hunter gatherer I guess. Most of our meals are pretty simple meat and vegetable based...either skillet, slow cook on stove, or crock pot.

And I guess planning for more than one meal is a type of planning. If I am going to take the time to cook, I make sure I can get more than one meal out of the effort. Sometimes it goes in the freezer. Sometimes it is the next day's lunch or breakfast for one of us.

But I really like to keep my options open.