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Vacation Worries

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:05 am
by xJocelynx87
Next Friday, my family is leaving for a week-long vacation at a very nice beach house. We haven't taken a vacation in forever, so needless to say everyone is excited. Obviously, I'd REALLY like to not gain weight while on vacation because I come back feeling so useless, unmotivated, and generally unhappy. I know most of you will probably say "Enjoy yourself! It's vacation! How much damage can you do in one week?" Honestly, a fair amount. In January, I went to the Bahamas with my boyfriend and came back seven pounds heavier, and our vacation was only five days long! (It was an all-inclusive resort and I drank alot of cocktails). It took me awhile to lose that weight, so I'd like to avoid putting it on this time around. I'm thinking that I should try to stick to No-S as best I can, and make it a point to really enjoy the weekend, while allowing myself 2-3 drinks each day just to participate in the 'vacation' festivities. My boyfriend is kind of a health nut like me (even though he eats whatever he wants and doesn't gain an ounce) so I know I'll have his support.

Any Additional input would be great!
I'm just restarting No-S and would really like to get a momentum going, vacation included!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:23 am
by ThomsonsPier
A method I've seen mentioned on here before is allowing one S-event per vacation day, allowing a relaxation of the rules but not letting yourself off the hook completely. I tried it on one holiday and found that it relaxed my mindset so much that I didn't really want anything on offer; I'd pass up an S in case there was a better one around the corner. I do have a tendency to make everything into a game, which helps.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:38 am
by sophiasapientia
I've also used the S Event mod with success and am planning to use it again during our upcoming vacation. I don't have a hard limit on the ses I can take but I do make a note of each S event which tends to keep the number down. I don't exempt myself from my exercise habit during vacation. I also tend to designate days where nothing special is going on as N days. Saturday will be a travel day, for example, and I'm planning on taking an N. These measures help to keep things in check for me.

Mostly, though, vacations are to be enjoyed! Have a good one!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:14 pm
by xJocelynx87
Allowing one S per day seems like a very sane way to go about it!

I hope, though, that with everyone drinking and eating as much as they want (my family is big on letting it all go during vacation, and I don't blame them! I just have too much of a conscience for it) that I let one S turn into a slippery slope. Part of me thinks that it might be better to just keep the weekdays N-days, but I still have a week to think about it.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:57 pm
by wosnes
I think there are ways to eat what you want, enjoy yourself and at the very least, limit the caloric damage done.

Probably the biggest S temptations on vacations are snacks and maybe sweets. If you have an idea of what the day is going to bring, you can plan accordingly.

A snack or a sweet (or a sweet snack) can be your daily S.

With the exception of sweets, you can eat whatever you want at a meal, as long as it fits on your plate.

The first year I followed No-S, I didn't realize there was a one plate rule. Seconds, to me, meant going back for more. I ate one serving of whatever was being served. If a second plate or bowl was involved -- well, that's the way it was. It still worked; I lost weight. Now I generally follow the one plate rule, but if something is served on the second plate or bowl, or if a meal is served in courses with several plates or bowls, I don't stress about it. I don't virtual plate. I don't count it as a failure and my weight remains stable. Actually, I lost 15 pounds over the last year without really trying. I think I might have lost more, but I had a little food fest going on from the end of April through most of May.

If your family is likely to drink a lot of beer, wine or mixed drinks, limit yourself to two daily. Most of my family aren't drinkers, so it's usually not an issue for me. Before and after your two, just drink something else. Or, you can alternate an alcoholic beverage with something nonalcoholic.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:24 pm
by SkyKitty
I sympathise with the drinking aspect, for me a big problem is that after a few drinks I lose all ability to be strict with myself on the No S rules (my only failure so far, came after a few drinks).

I totally second the suggestions already made, in fact they work perfectly together. If you alcoholic drinks with soft drinks you may well only have 2 (or 3 or whatever limit is right for you)

I would also suggest making sure that the soft drinks you have are really nice, non-alcoholic cocktails, really fresh fruit juice etc. I know I drink too much diet coke, but I know it's the only alcohol alternative I find as enjoyable, and is definately better than the combination of booze and extra food I would otherwise have.