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Girl Scout Cookies of Death

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:07 pm
by piratejenny
So, the Girl Scout cookies arrived at work this week. (Why did I sign up for 3 boxes? Why?) Attached was a cute little note saying, "Thank you for buying my cookies! Now my troop can go on fun and exciting field trips!! Love, Meagan!!!"

That's great, Meagan. I'm glad you're so perky with your pre-pubescent metabolism and your field trips to the candy factory. I, however, am an adult having a very busy and stressful week. I have eaten an embarrassing quantity of your evil cookies of doom, and they have gone straight to my hips, amplifying my crankiness. You don't have hips, Meagan. Calories pass straight through you like water through a sieve, you lucky little ragamuffin.

This week will definitely NOT go down as the greatest week in the history of my No S dieting.
I can do better next week... Right???

:) P.J.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:13 pm
by navin
Ahh, Girl Scout cookies and Boy Scout popcorn... the bane of my existence!!

However, here's an interesting suggestion - why not buy the cookies and donate a box or two to a food bank or homeless shelter? They sure do appreciate it, and it removes temptation for you to eat them all in one sitting (I know from personal experience how easy it is to do this...)

Of course, I always save the best box for myself... :twisted:


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:14 pm
by Big Phil
Next time, just throw them in the bin and consider it a donation to the Girl Scout movement! Sure, wasting food is bad, but you donated money to help kids have a good time and will only make yourself feel guilty if you eat them - not a good return for a charitable act!


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:50 am
by nonskanse
I like the donating to the GS better. I was a GirlScout and its hard to sell those things. 4 hard years of work got our troup enough to pay for 1/2 trip for each of us to London (we paid the other halves - I am from New York State, from Europe it would have been a little easier to get there I'm sure).

We were forced (at age 14 its forced) to wear the godawful uniforms nearly all the time, but so many adults we met were like "Oh! Girl Guides! How great!"

So those cookies are going to a good cause, I had a cultural experience, learned that girl scouting may be a little dorky but people with sense (Americans have very little) seem to appreciate us.

As for eating the cookies... I have a problem with thin mints. We buy a lot for the year at my house, and freeze some. I can eat half a package in 1 sitting even after dinner. All I can say is donate them or put them out of sight on the weekdays. And keep buying, I know its expensive but the girls need encouragement and goals to work towards!!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:13 am
by doulachic
These freeze really well...perfect way to keep them for an S day...take out a few on S day, enjoy, and keep the rest out of sight in the freezer....durn thin mints.... :twisted:

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 2:39 am
by Hunter Gatherer
Noooo! Don't jinx me! I have been resisting girlscout cookies at work all week!
THIN MINTS! Why do you call my name?

Ahhhh.... that's better

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:41 pm
by piratejenny
I took the offending sweets home so they can no longer tempt me at the office.

And more importantly, today when I woke up, I looked myself in the eye in the mirror and said, "You know better than to eat like that! Today, the madness must stop!!" :D

11:40 AM: so far, so good.

Good luck everyone on resisting the evil tempting treats!! :twisted:
