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Going on holiday...

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:04 pm
by sheepish
I'm going on holiday for a couple of weeks in September (hurrah!) and am thinking about how to eat while I'm away.. I had a trip in May which did not go so well, on the No S front... largely because it involved a lot of family visiting and people insisting that I just try the sweet thing that they made, etc, etc..

This trip is just with my husband so I think it'll be easier but I think I need to have an idea of how I'm going to handle it before I go.

At the moment, what I'm thinking is that I'll allow myself 4 S days while I'm out there - so the same number as normal - but not take them strictly on the weekends, take them when something comes up, e.g. a really nice looking set of authentic desserts or something. Has anyone tried this? Did it work?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:39 pm
by kccc
Some prior discussions on the topic that may be useful to you... but the bottom line is what can you stick to, be happy with in the moment, and be happy with long-term?

Enjoy your vacation!! :)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:54 pm
by Clarica
I am going on vacation on Friday, and I am throwing caution to the winds!

It's only 9 days, and I have already learned so much better what I like and dislike, enjoy and don't enjoy where sweets and other extra food is concerned.

Though frankly, I am having more trouble remembering to eat than I can ever remember in my life, so my problems with food are definitely not the same as they were when I started no-s.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:10 pm
by milliem
I went on holiday in June and my aim was to stick to a general framework of NoS, but to allow myself a sweet or snack if it was 'worth' having. I ended up being pretty good for the first few days - no snacking, a sweet treat or two but generally 3 meals a day and no seconds. Even on the BBQ days I filled up my plate and didn't go back. It went a little downhill towards the end but I was ok with that :D

I think for short holidays, it's not worth fretting over. Give yourself a framework, but give yourself permission to treat yourself :)

I'm going on a 5 week holiday in a couple of weeks and I've no idea how I'm going to manage that yet!!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:03 am
by SkyKitty
I also gave myself a 'break' when on holiday, mine was 8 days. I ate highly fatty junk food, cakes, chocolates, snack foods etc. When I weighed myself on return I had put on a few pounds but not as many as I had expected.

I agree that the best approach is to really think about what you are about to eat and decide if it is worth it. If it is, you're on holiday, go for it!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:34 pm
by Blithe Morning
Oh, how lovely! Where to, if I may ask?

I haven't been on a vacation that lasted more than a long weekend in years so I don't know if this will work. Is there anyway you can pick out your NWS events in advance, like going for tea at a special restaurant or getting a local delicacy?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:40 pm
by sheepish
I really don't want to just give myself a break while on holiday because I'm losing weight really quite slowly as it is - 1-2 pounds a month. I'm fine with that pace of weight loss but, if I put on 3-4 pounds on holiday, it'll take me two months to get back to where I was and that's just dispiriting! Also, being a European, I get a lot of paid vacation - 6 weeks a year - so it could really screw things up if I didn't impose any restrictions during vacations.

Blithe_Morning I'm off to Portugal (Lisbon and Porto with a couple of days visiting places in between in the middle). We tend not to be that organised about what we're doing and where exactly we're going so I'm not sure how far in advance I'll be able to plan.