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Exercise when?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:42 pm
by herbsgirl
Ok, when is the best time to exercise scine Im only eating 3x day? Between meals, but right after, right before?

I do the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred OR ripped in 30 which really takes down my insulin resistance problems, so it is hard wieght lifting busting workouts.

The leptin diet had really confusing guidlines on when to exercise with eating 3x a day.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:51 pm
by Anoulie
The best time to exercise is whenever you have the time.

Seriously, try to figure what time works best for you and at what time you can exercise every day (or three times as week, or how often you want to) for the rest of your life. If we tell you to exercise every morning between 6 and 7 am, but you like to sleep until 9 (just an example), then you won't be likely to stick to it. Maybe you'll give up altogether, and you don't want that.
Besides, it doesn't matter that much anyway. It's just calories in versus calories out, and IF there's a difference - calorie-wise - between exercise at 8 am and exercise at 8 pm, it'll be minimal.

Briefly: A small increase in weight loss because of exercising at a certain time is not worth the risk of you giving up on exercise or exercising less frequently.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:14 pm
by Blithe Morning
Trying to optimize fitness by timing work outs to coincide with peak metabolic processes is really only necessary if you are a high level competitive athlete or so I think. Whatever advantage we might gain in the short term from micro-timing workouts can be undone if this is not sustainable for us in the long term.

Work out when you have the time and when you aren't too full. Consistency is the most important factor.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:11 pm
by herbsgirl
Thanks! Byron Richards in his book Mastering Leptin made it sound like it was almost not good or something if you didnt exercise perfectly timed with the 3 meals.

I will just do it when it suits me!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:42 pm
by Who Me?
Yeah... Gets you to buy more books that way, huh?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:49 am
by NoSnacker
Right the right time for you. I am a morning person so that is when I do mine. Even if you split say a 30 minute session into 2, 15 minutes is all good....any time you can exercise is all good.

There are so many theories out Who Me books, etc. are big sellers..


Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:29 pm
by wosnes
I agree with the others. The right time to exercise is when it's right for you. My primary exercise is walking.

I have a dog and I try to get two long walks a day with her, plus a couple of shorter "taking care of business" walks. The longer walks are anywhere from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. The shorter walks are about 10 minutes. It all depends on the weather and the day. Neither my dog nor I like weather extremes, so when it's really hot or really cold the long walks are shorter.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:14 pm
by oolala53
You've already heard it but just more justification: No S isn't about the optimum diet and exercise for fitness and fat loss. It's about what will promote the maintenance of moderate habits, and one thing that will promote that is anything that makes consistency easy.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:31 am
by marygrace
Like the others have said, whenever works for you is the right time. But if you're doing something sort of intense, like Jillian Michaels stuff, you might also want to consider how long it was since your last meal.

My dog and I walk for an hour every morning after breakfast (we're in a serious drought in Texas, so it almost never rains. This means we actually do go walking 7 days a week!). In an effort to get out before the sun gets too hot, I'll sometimes walk with her on an empty stomach first thing after waking up and eat when I get back. I notice I usually don't feel as great on those walks and don't have as much energy as when I walk after eating breakfast.

Still, walking isn't too much exertion. I also take power yoga classes three times a week, and if it's been too long since my last meal, actually begin to feel very weak and faint in the middle of class. Going to the class 2-3 hours after a meal is optimal, but oftentimes I'll go right before dinner--a time when I'm pretty hungry. Then, I allow myself a very small mini meal to tide me over, usually a whole wheat tortilla or spoonful of peanut butter.