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14 minutes of anything

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:25 pm
by herbsgirl
I listened to all/most of the Podcost about 14 minutes of anykind of exercise 5 days a week. I wasnt sure if this goes in the Shovelglove forum, but its not about Shovelglove.

This makes so much sense to do just 14 minuntes at least daily. I think Im going to try the basic principle. However, I have to do a 24 minute workout for a week or two so my men cycle stays on track, then I can go back to a 14 minute.

I also have done Leslie Sansone, which is the Mile System walking.

Sometimes the bare minimum makes a huge difference in our life! Like the principle of No S!

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:49 pm
by Who Me?
I'm confused. How would 14 (or 24) minutes of exercise disrupt your cycle?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:02 pm
by herbsgirl
Who Me? wrote:I'm confused. How would 14 (or 24) minutes of exercise disrupt your cycle?
I have proven to myself(twice) that 24 minute Jillian Micheals workouts done for a week or so will stimulate ovulation for me, making my cycles more normal instead of Months long. So thats what I meant. I dont know if a 14 minute one would do it or not. But the weight lifting and stuff with the cardio, seems lower insulin levels enough to stimulate Ov. (poly cyctic ovarian syndrome and higher risk for diabetes)

Like I said maybe 14 minutes would do it, but Im afraid to try scince Ive proven to myself twice that a week of 24 minutes works? Maybe I could do an experement sometime.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:05 pm
by Who Me?
Have you discussed this with a doctor?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:17 pm
by herbsgirl
Who Me? wrote:Have you discussed this with a doctor?
Well, a doctor diagnosed me with PCOS, but the only thing they will offer me is Meds, (birth control pills) OR (Metformin) and Im not interested. I am not a Med kind of girl. I do everything natural as much as possible. Scince eating less and exercise, fish oil, ect really controls my PCOS, I dont see any reason to take meds. I am very senstive to medication. :D

I have discussed exercise with my doctor and she ok'd me for heavy intense exercise :)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:37 pm
by Who Me?
Okay, I'm still confused. I (think I) understand that you are trying to medically disrupt your cycle. But what's the proven link that shows regular short-duration exercise will normalize your cycle, whereas on-again off-again slightly-longer-duration exercise will not?

If your doctor isn't willing to *discuss* the management of your health, it seems to me that either

1. You need to be a stronger advocate for your own health (polite way of saying "pushier"), or

2. You might be in the market for a different physician.

Having dealt with some *very* serious health problems in my family, I don't accept answers that don't make sense to me. Doctors aren't gods, even if they act like it sometimes.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:06 pm
by herbsgirl
There is no clinical study showing that on/off again exercise will disrupt the cycl I have noticed this for myself in my own personal experience, and I believe it to be true. I can go 60 days (could be more, according to past experience) but when I put a short burst of J Mich. exercise dvds in there for a week by the 6th or 7th day give/take, I am noticing high temperatures, indicating ovulation. This has happened twice for me. I map out my temperatures on I havent got the last few months on there, but I can put a link to the first time I realized that this happened....

I started the exercise on day 64

As far as my doctor(s) go, I havent had much luck with doctors really "helping" me plan out my health as far as that goes. Most doctors I have had experience with seem to offer medications as the main thing. I have spoke with doctors about exercise which of course they recomend. I have spent hours studying on the research studies what would be best for my health with pcos and otherwise (ie fish oil, exercise, and other more natural options) And when I need medical tests or have a concern(blood tests, ultrasounds, ect) I go to the doc.

I have had one doc for almost 8 yrs, then a doc for about 2, now I am in the market for a new one sort of.