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a question about hunger

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:08 pm
by guille
this one is mainly for people with experience of months or years doing the no s diet

i love the simplicity of it, i have tried different diets, and none worked for me, on one hand i must count calories, or be totally obsesive with what i eat, i hate that. or on the other hand i simply get too hungry, and just cant continue doing it, so as predictivle i continue with the jojo efect, lose weight gain some more

i started this diet yesterday, and i feel that despite weightloss is important (its a diet, right?) the most important thing and gain may be cutting that ovsesuve compulsive eating and being in pease with what you eat

anyway, enough bla bla. here is my question

i find i get hungry in between meals, i guess its normal, i have been eating this way for only a day and im not used to it

but. in your experience, how long did it take you to get used to the diet? and by used to i mean not getting hunger pangs between the meals

i mean , does that hunger go away? or i do i have to get used to being hungry very often(which i cant)?

thanks for your time

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:19 pm
by DaveMc
I commented on this is my two-year "testimonial":

In brief, if you're talking about real *pain*, most people find that passes in the first few weeks or so. If it doesn't, you may have a medical issue that needs to be resolved.

But after that first adjustment period, you will probably still find that you feel hungry between meals -- it's just that many of us start to find that we don't mind this sensation. It's not painful, and in fact having an appetite lends spice to one's meals. That's a useful way to reframe all this, if you can manage it: "being hungry" => "having an appetite" The first sounds like a problem to be solved, the second sounds like a good, healthy thing (much as "ruining your appetite" used to be a reason *not* to snack).

Welcome to NoS, and best of luck!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:42 pm
by gk
DaveMc wrote:I'm continuing the mod I discussed in my year 1 update: I take S days on Friday and Sunday, and have Saturday as an N day. It seems to work better for me, for all the reasons I mentioned back then. It gives me one S day that overlaps with the standard work-week, and it breaks up the S days into two pieces rather than one right after the other. Also, I must admit that I enjoy the shorter gap between S days (just four days between Sunday and Friday, rather than five to Saturday). Whatever the reason, this pattern works better for me, and it's been sustainable. Your psychology may vary.

That sounds like a good mod to me.....breaking it up like that may help with getting through the week and will spread out the fun of S days as well. Hmmm....something to consider! The rest of your advice was helpful as well. Thanks for sharing your great No S wisdom. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:43 pm
by Clarica
In the beginning, when I felt like I can't make it to the next meal, I drank some whole milk. I used a little glass.

I still do it, but not as often.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:56 pm
by wosnes
I don't remember how long it took not to feel hungry between meals. But here's what I know for sure: hunger isn't an emergency.

Re: a question about hunger

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:11 pm
by NoelFigart
guille wrote:i mean , does that hunger go away? or i do i have to get used to being hungry very often(which i cant)?
It's about 20 minutes to dinnertime. YES, I'm hungry.

My stomach doesn't hurt. I'm not dizzy. But I have an empty feeling that tells me that it's definitely time to eat something, and in fact, I'm hungry with a strong adjective in front of it. My rather plain meal of chicken, rice and broccoli is likely to taste like absolute ambrosia tonight.

You SHOULD be hungry right before meals.

Now, if you're asking whether or not you should be uncomfortably empty a couple of hours before a meal? No, not really. You shouldn't feel dizzy. You shouldn't be in pain. You might not have had enough lunch. You might be unused to even the SLIGHTEST sensation of hunger. It's hard to say.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:12 am
by snapdragon
I go for some milk If I must. I also sometimes have a hard time knowing how much I need to eat. If you are starving all the time you might need more food.
To answer your question more directly yes it got better within a short period of time though I can't remember exactly how long. Obviously if all I eat is a veggie salad I'm gonna get hungry there has to be some substance to it.