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one week, up 4 lbs.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:34 pm
by Kateri17
what the heck???

i think i'm going back to low carb.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:54 pm
by Who Me?
Slow down there! Don't quit after a single week!

THIS IS NOT A CRASH DIET! This is a system for developing healthy life-long eating habits. It's about finding peace in your relationship with food (and weight).

And just as gaining weight took time, so will losing weight in a sensible sustainable manner.

If you're looking for just another loop on the roller-coaster ride of weight gain and loss, you won't find it here. But if you're looking for a way to regain healthy eating practices, and slowly but steadily lose weight, stick around.

This is a great supportive community, but you've got to trust the system, and do the work.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:02 pm
by determined
I can absolutely understand your frustration! But don't give up too quickly. There are such great benefits to this way of eating. Can you give us more information - did you read the book? - how close are you to your ideal weight? - how long have you been trying to lose weight? A bit more info would be helpful to people wanting to respond to your post.

Very often this plan results in a bit of a gain at the beginning as people regulate how much food they need. It IS a slow process here, but it's a transforming plan of that teaches maintenance before the real weight loss begins.

Even though my start date near my user name is just a few months old, I've started & given up at NoS quite a few times. I did well a few years ago & then went back to low-carb & counting points. I gained everything back really quickly. This time around I 'm finally here to stay because I know this is the best plan for me. It might take you more than a week to determine if this is the best for you or not....if you choose to go back to another plan, just be sure you've giving NoS a fair chance. It's definitely not a quick fix, but I see it as a very healthy way to eat for life.

Re: one week, up 4 lbs.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:57 am
by Over43
Kateri17 wrote:what the heck???

i think i'm going back to low carb.
No, it isn't a crash diet, but neither is low carb for those who do it for a lifestyle change. Kepp working with the No S. Many of us here have had good results. Up your water intake, that will help.

Good luck.