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In case of emergencies - coffee/milk or almonds?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:01 pm
by Imogen Morley
I've noticed I've been resorting to caloric, milk-based beverages when I'm really hungry and the meal is coming late: hot cocoa, cafe au lait or chai tea, sometimes lemon tea that comes from a vending machine in my office. All of these contain sugar, maybe not enough to be labeled as dessert, but still (1-3 teaspoons per cup, I presume). Strong hunger gives me nasty, throbbing headaches, so ignoring it is not an option.
I'm wondering what is a better choice, nutrion- and -calorie-wise: 10 almonds or a cup of some milky beverage? I sometimes drink plain milk as well, but I totally hate its aftertaste, that's why I'd rather choose its "diluted" version.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:34 pm
by Who Me?
Diluted with chocolate, huh?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:52 pm
by Anoulie
I'd say that the best choice would be to eat more at your meals so you don't get hunger headaches.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:53 pm
by Blithe Morning
I would stick with the beverages if only because it's less likely to lead to indiscriminate snacking.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:10 pm
by Imogen Morley
Who Me? wrote:Diluted with chocolate, huh?
Ummm, no, not really. Does one tablespoon of hot cocoa mix qualify as chocolate to you?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:11 pm
by The Violet Pimpernel
I would choose coffee. I usually drink tea, but I would drink coffee if I felt really hungry as it is something different from my normal routine, so my brain would register that I've consumed it (not just drinking tea on autopilot) and I would feel more satisfied. That's my theory, anyway. Not tried it out yet.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:17 pm
by Who Me?
I was kidding. But yes. That is chocolate.

Beware the slippery slope.

If you are engineering opportunities for emergencies, then they're not actual emergencies. Those events are called snacks.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:40 pm
by Imogen Morley
Hmm... I measured the amount of cocoa mix in my self-made cocoa and in the vending machine portion, and the difference was enourmous, so I thought I was "good". Maybe it is a slippery slope... But technically it isn't chocolate! :lol: Maybe you're thinking in terms of habit building, while I'm referring more to calorie content.
What do you think about plain milk or juice?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:45 pm
by M's sick of dieting
I've done plan milk, or coffee with cream, also I've bought these little protein shakes i'n case of emergencies. They all work well:)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:46 pm
by Clarica
I endorse plain milk, or cocoa fortified with fresh milk, if you make it yourself. I started slipping into a 'decaf mocha' at the espresso stand after I started no s, and it was really much more often than ever before. So I decided to pass unless I was actually trying to address immediate starvation and did not have the option of milk or something.

Now I have them more often than I did before I started no s. But jumping from once or twice a year to 4-7 times a year are not calories I care to be concerned about. Unless maybe someday I hit a plateau I am not happy with.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:14 pm
by oolala53
The real issue is what will reinforce the habits you want? If No S is working well for you even with a hot chocolate or cafe au lait, so what? If you find you're deciding after your afternoon mocha that it's okay to have a lump of dark chocolate after dinner, I'd say you are sliding down the slope. We try to avoid the things that are going to lead us to eat randomly and immoderately then or later. Some avoid sugar because it leads to more sugar. Same thing with the flavor of chocolate. Some find it doesn't. I'd certainly say stick with beverages.

I second also adding a bit of something to your meals. That's when to have those almonds. I notice missing my tablespoon or so of fat at lunch more than I notice not getting to eat my fruit.

Although this may sound cruel, I would suggest if you're ever up for it, try putting up with the hunger-induced headaches for a few days. It wouldn't be the first time someone found that a hunger symptom went away when challenged. If not, at least you found out.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:01 am
by Imogen Morley
I've taken your advice seriously, guys, and got back to STRICT vanilla No S (only plain milk, and as rarely as possible). It made me realize that the longer I'm into No S lifestyle, the harder it gets - because I've lost enough weight already, I tend to think that a little cheating won't make a difference, so I can be naughty sometimes. My decadent lattes (evaporated milk, anyone?) and such were getting me off track.
The only problem with strict vanilla is the rebound effect on weekends, which I sometimes treated as legitimate binge days.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:36 pm
by SunCat
I do better if I don't eat - in other words, have a drink. I either have tea (with whole milk in it ) or occasionally, hot chocolate - which I make with whole milk, a teaspoon of cocoa and slightly less sugar. I figure it's probably less than many people would put on a bowl of cereal, and it's not a 'gateway' drink for me, so no problems.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:12 am
by Who Me?
I make lattes at home, because I like mine better than most cafes. Also, I'm cheap -- er, CAREFUL with my money. Anyway... When I trained as a barrista, we learned that nonfat milk makes the best foam.