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Dinner tonight

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:09 pm
by Captnswife
I know I can have one plate of food but how do i figure it out when im making taco tonight. You can fit alot of tacos on a plate.


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:03 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
Just do what seems best, and try to stick to a reasonable portion. Using common sense and being reasonable are what we're trying to do here.

I might say that, in a restaurant, you'd probably get three tacos, therefore, three tacos is a reasonable portion of tacos.

Or you could pick some arbitrary number of tacos (probably should be more than 1 and less than 10) and say that's the number of tacos you can have. That's what I do with slices of pizza. When I'm having pizza, one slice is breakfast or lunch, and two slices is dinner. I know this is going to be a different amount of food at different times because not all pizza slices are the same, but it's easier than any other way of measuring how much pizza I'm having, so I don't worry about it. The important bit is that it be easy to tell if you're over the limit or not, and that the limit is something reasonable (not unreasonably large or unreasonably small).

I would try to have all three tacos on your plate at one time, rather than making and eating them one at a time. It is important to see all the food you'll be eating, together at one time. Then, if you're eating too much, it will look like a lot. It's harder to eat too much when you have to see how much you're eating, and everybody eating with you has to see it.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:35 pm
by Captnswife
I was figuring 3 tacos would be what I would have.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:02 pm
by Blithe Morning
If you really want to figure this out, you could do a one time experiment with plating. Serve the meat onto 1/4 of plate, the beans onto 1/4 , veggies onto a 1/4 - 1/3. Leave whatever space remains as a placeholder for the shells/tortillas. Make your tacos from that plate using however many shells or tortillas it takes. That will be the number of tacos you can have as part of your one plate.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:19 pm
by chentegt
MMM tacos how delicious!

I eat them a lot.

Try wrapping them, and see how many fit in the plate, wrapped, without looking like an excess. It's usually around 2-3, and that's fine.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:58 pm
by wosnes
How many do you usually eat? It very well may be a good number.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:47 am
by determined
Blithe Morning wrote:If you really want to figure this out, you could do a one time experiment with plating. Serve the meat onto 1/4 of plate, the beans onto 1/4 , veggies onto a 1/4 - 1/3. Leave whatever space remains as a placeholder for the shells/tortillas. Make your tacos from that plate using however many shells or tortillas it takes. That will be the number of tacos you can have as part of your one plate.
Very good advice!


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:48 pm
by SunCat
I'm with wosnes. I could fit my whole day's worth of food on one plate if I really wanted to. As long as it doesn't overfill the plate*, I just go by what fits in my stomach, rather than what fits on my plate.

Today, btw - is taco day. Wonder who is having tacos...? I had chili for lunch and now for some reason chinese sounds good for dinner...

*I guess I should add - as long as it doesn't overfill my stomach, either.