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Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:02 pm
by Jayhawk28
I've done No S for about the last two weeks. I have considered this a trial run. November is the month that I am targeting to really establish my habits. They include No S, No Soda, Glass Cieling, Urban Ranger and Early Riser. No Soda and Early Riser are two habits that I'm working on outside of the book and website. I need a consistent schedule with sleep. I wake up everyday at a different time. I've given it a lot of thought and 5 am is the number that pops. It will ensure an ealier bed time and I like the idea of a couple of hours of reflection or exercise time in the morning. Diet soda is a hot button issue for me. If I allow it, I'll abuse it. It also leads to food cravings and dehydration. I simply need to not drink it. The remaining habits are familiar to everyone. I've also struggled with Glass Cieling. I don't have a drinking issue at all, but when I do have drinks in social situations, I typically have more than two. I've realized though, that two is plenty and anymore and I jeopardize all other habits. Very tempting to say "screw it" and eat whatever and sleep in after two drinks. It's also harder to workout and a host of other things.

So here I go. I'm 215 pounds today. But I will not weigh myself until December 1st. Simply going to focus on the process and habits.....the "sowing" if you will. My problem in the past has been my focus on the "reaping." Those dreams and goals ("reaping"), however, don't happen without a solid base of habits to build upon. Here's to a successful November.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:42 am
by gratefuldeb67
go for it! :)