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Hello! I am a nOOb

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:29 pm
by Okaybear
Hi all!

Just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. Real name's Karen, you can call me that or Okaybear. This is my first day on this NoS journey, and I'm excited as all get out.

I recently started as a personal trainer (NSCA-CPT), so I'm already a lover of exercise and fitness. However, I've found that I've slipped into a mentality that tells me: "Oh, you exercise like a demon, you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want!"

Except...I've gained a substantial amount of weight in the past couple of years. Now, no worries, I'm actually still in the "healthy" BMI range for my height, but I now accept that my habits are slowly pushing me in the direction of weight gain, and I'd like to nip that pattern in the bud.

My goals are small and simple - I would like to lose a small amount of weight (really, no more than 10-15 lbs), in a safe, sane way. I heard about the NoS Diet on a fitness site I've also recently joined (, and I thought it sounded like such great common sense. Moderation I can live with? Yes, please!

I'm not a big sweet-eater anyway...salty snacks and second helpings are MUCH more my these rules seem quite doable to me.

Thanks for reading the ramble. I look forward to working this NoS program! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:05 pm
by Who Me?
Nice to "meet" you. I think you'll really enjoy this supportive community.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:55 am
by determined
Nice to have you here!

I ask everyone who is new if they've read the book - it's a great resource!

Much success to you...


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:42 am
by wosnes

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:43 pm
by Okaybear
Hi guys! Thanks for the welcome.

@determined: No, I have not yet read the book. I think I am going to try to be very strict in the Vanilla NoS rules and see where that takes me first. If I find that I'm failing or not getting results, I'll probably check out the book to see what I'm doing that needs tweaking.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:31 am
by snapdragon
Hi and welcome. When I first saw your post I thought you called yourself a nob.