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crawling back for the zillionth time (or so)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:38 am
by Rea
Well, I'm going to No-s tomorrow. No really! My husband probably wouldn't believe me if I told him because everytime I tell him I'm seriously going to actually no s the next day, I make it until dinner time and then totally fall off the wagon. Or I make it until after lunch. The short of it is...sometime during the day I totally suck.
I first heard about no s-ing....ages ago and was pretty happy because that's basically how I ate: During the days I worked, I ate 3 meals and basically didn't snack. The days I didn't work (which varied since I worked retail), I would have s days. Then I got pregnant (4 years ago) and got fell into the "you're pregnant, eat a lot trap!" I got up to 195 but with breastfeeding the weight fell off pretty easily, except the last 10 lbs. I convinced my husband to no s with me and I lost the last 10 lbs and he lost some weight, too. Then Christmas came and we both fell off the wagon and failed to get back on and I regained 5 lbs (!). Then I got pregnant again and despite my vows that I would at least No Sweets except on days that start with s, I failed that one because it just wasn't a habit anymore. Then we bought a house and due to the stress of all that, my husband hit the sugar hard....and started losing weight. We had no idea why until he finally went to the dr and he was diagnosed as a type II diabetic.
As part of his diabetes research after that, he learned that the number of times you eat a day can increase your chances of getting diabetes since everytime you eat, the beta cells in your pancreas have to produce insulin and it causes them to burn out more quickly. This rather makes me wonder if we had both kept no-s-ing, if he wouldn't have been diagnosed with diabetes.
At any rate, I ended the pregnancy at 200lbs (!) a number I had never wanted to see! But again the weight fell off pretty well and I managed to no s again for a while ( a couple of months I think), but then I fell off the wagon again and am having an impossible time getting back on (as mentioned above). I'm at about 165 now, my pre-pregnancy weight was 155. Pre-pre-pregnancy weight was 150. I'd like to get to 145 when all is said and done, but losing the last 10 pregnancy lbs would be a great start and I'm not going to fail any longer! NO more waiting, NO more excuses. I'm going to start this damn diet for realz now and I'm coming here to seek out some support so when I DO want break, you all can hold me back (I hope!). I'm going to post in the daily check up forum and I hope you guys will offer encouragement and help to this wayward No S-er :)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:09 am
by Over43
I do the "make it until lunch" scenario with low carb and Slim-Fast. So No S fits quite well for me. But, I do seem to go through phases. There are months when I can walk through a doughnut shop and not look, and then months when I'll eat 2 or 3 doughnuts in a sitting.

Good luck with your journey and remember milk.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:20 am
by oolala53
Hope you're back to stay. I think you need to look back and see what kind of things you tell yourself when you "fall off the wagon." And realize that they are all just plain wrong. Also, when you are truly convinced that your eating plan is fair, it gives you a lot of ammunition to ignore the urges and their fake hunger messages when they come.

What helped me take No S seriously was realizing that every time I had lost weight in the past, it had been during the honeymoon phase of the program. When the rush went away, I found I had not learned any skills for saying no when I needed to. I did learn some good skills from Judith Beck and used them to get the momentum going on No S. I've struggled at times but have never completely given up. However, I've got ten pounds to go just to get to the first goal. So we are still in this together.

Can your husband eat just three meals or does he have to eat more often?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:02 pm
by Rea
Good luck with your journey and remember milk.
Okay, what's milk? Unless you mean drinking it...which I don't!
I think you need to look back and see what kind of things you tell yourself when you "fall off the wagon." And realize that they are all just plain wrong.
Usually I think, "I want moooooooooore." I don't need more, I know I don't need more but I use whatever justification I can (kids slept badly, I feel tired, it tastes good!) and have more. Honestly it's just a willpower thing at the moment. I just need to walk away and say NO. I've done this before. I know how easy it gets after a couple months eating this way. But I also know how easy it is to stop. So my goal is to stick with it for a year (not concentrating on the weightloss specifically, but I know it will come.) And since I know there's no sense in waiting til January and having it be a New Year's resolution or even until Monday so I can start on a new week, I'm starting NOW. I'll get one good day under my belt and then go through next week (and keep this weekend in moderation because it's not like I no-s-ed all week and therefore deserve it.
Can your husband eat just three meals or does he have to eat more often?
He could eat just three meals, but he eats more often, but no often than 2 hours and no later than a certain number of hours before he goes to bed. He likes the no s diet and did well on it, but I think he doesn't like being placed under someone else's restrictions especially since he already feels put on upon due to diet restrictions from being diabetic.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:31 am
by kccc
Rea wrote: Usually I think, "I want moooooooooore." I don't need more, I know I don't need more but I use whatever justification I can (kids slept badly, I feel tired, it tastes good!) and have more. Honestly it's just a willpower thing at the moment.
I think he doesn't like being placed under someone else's restrictions especially since he already feels put on upon due to diet restrictions from being diabetic.
If I may make a suggestion... to attend to the sense of restriction, try to make the nicest meals you can for a bit. (Whatever "nicest" means to you.)

And try to find other ways to take care of yourself - food is often a mis-guided attempt at self-care that we just fall into. Once you figure out "I'm eating because I'm tired (or whatever)", the next step is to sleep (or attend to whatever else is going on).

At any rate... welcome back, and best wishes! (And I think you are VERY wise to jump in now instead of waiting until after the holidays!)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:51 am
by BeingGreen
Hi Rea,

I hear you and I'm with you! This is the zillionith time for me as well. I've made myself a mini-challenge (join me?): there are exactly three weeks left in 2011 (a year in which I've gained more weight than I care to admit). Since three weeks is a "magic" number around here, I'm shooting for all greens and yellows until the calendar flips to 2012. I hope success will help me head into the New Year with more confidence than usual.

Best of luck to us!

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:08 pm
by Rea
hi guys! Coming back, trying not to hang my head too low...I tried so hard yesterday, but fell into eating chips when the baby woke up after going down for (what I thought was) an early bedtime. No free time for me :(
And try to find other ways to take care of yourself - food is often a mis-guided attempt at self-care that we just fall into. Once you figure out "I'm eating because I'm tired (or whatever)", the next step is to sleep (or attend to whatever else is going on).
Wow, totally true. I think you hit the nail on the head without even knowing me :) I've been really bad at the self-care lately, not having much time by myself (stay at home mom with two small kids) and always having housework on my mind. I should have just gone and taken a bath last night and handed the baby to my husband instead of eating chips, but we were watching a film as a family, so that would have been sad to miss out on that.
I've made myself a mini-challenge (join me?): there are exactly three weeks left in 2011 (a year in which I've gained more weight than I care to admit). Since three weeks is a "magic" number around here, I'm shooting for all greens and yellows until the calendar flips to 2012
Yes, let's totally do it! 3 weeks left in the year (ish?) And what were the number of days necessary to establish a new habit? Let's start now and get a big jump on all the New Year's Resoluters! :)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:14 pm
by BeingGreen

I'm pysched to join you in gettting a jump-start on the New Year's Resoluters! I promise to be faithful in keeping up my daily check-in and I'll peek in on yours too.

Let's get 21 days under our belts before 2012!


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:21 pm
by Rea
Rubyslippers wrote:Rea-

I'm pysched to join you in gettting a jump-start on the New Year's Resoluters! I promise to be faithful in keeping up my daily check-in and I'll peek in on yours too.

Let's get 21 days under our belts before 2012!

sounds good!