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falling off the waggon..

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:04 pm
by sheepish
Having lost quite a bit of weight on No S (I think about 25 lb?), I've run into some problems lately. Going on holiday for a couple of weeks, moving to a team which has LOTS of sweet things around all the time, Christmas lunches and parties.. it's not good.

I haven't had many green days at all recently and my weight loss has plateaued, still a good 20 lb off my goal weight.

I'm determined to get back on track - No S has worked really well for me and I know it can do again. Any works of wisdom/encouragement?

I'm going to start small - aiming for a green week this week.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:27 pm
by wosnes
If you look at No-S as a normal way of eating, you're going to have times when what you do (how you eat) isn't normal. I think that's normal. What you do is get back to normal (No-S) as quickly as you can. You just do it.

That is exactly what you'd do in any other area of your life if your habits varied from the norm. There's no reason this should be any different.

Stop worrying about it and just do it.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:48 pm
by Too solid flesh
I've read somewhere that the ability to get back on the wagon after falling off it is what distinguishes successful weight losers and maintainers.

Making sure that your meals are generous might help while getting habits re-established.

Good luck! You can do it.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:24 pm
by oolala53
I second what Too Solid Flesh said. I think I may have been the one to write it before, as I'm fond of reporting it from the National Weight Control Registry. It sounds obvious but it's actually profound and obviously hard to do, though many who do lose weight use such drastic strategies that it's understandable they don't stick to them. No S is at least merciful.

No S becomes even more important the more access to food there is. If it's a good way to live, it is no matter what the circumstances. Even most days on holiday. In fact, the only time I could imagine it isn't as useful is if we were somehow living with little food available. Then it would make sense to eat more when we had the chance. A system that helps regulate against random eating is even more crucial when we CAN eat all day long.

Why not go back to thinking of yourself as someone who eats three meals a day? Then available food and all other cues to eat become irrelevant. I bet you aren't even enjoying the extra food that much.

I hope you can get back in the swing of things soon. Even these last three days before the big weekend will boost your confidence, I bet. Good luck.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:04 am
by Sweetness
I would do a 21 day challenge, and post on your daily thread every day if you can. Something about being accountable helps a lot. Then after 21 days, you will have a good habit established again. You can do it!!