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How much do you exercise?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:44 pm
by xJocelynx87
As I mentioned in another thread, I've been considering multiple eating plans (all modified versions of No-S). My eating is already fairly moderate and I am at a healthy weight, I would like to just commit to a plan more for maintenance and peace of mind.

One area I am still very unsure about, however, is an exercise routine (that I can actually stick to). In losing 30lbs, I never exercised regularly. I did it through diet and regular daily activities (waitressing, walking, etc). That being said, I know that exercise has many benefits and that I should do SOMETHING (though I'm much more fond of curling up on the couch with my computer or a book if I have nothing else to do).

Since I don't really LIKE exercise (not even walking, really!) I'm having trouble finding a plan that I can stick to FOREVER. As a future dietitian, I don't want to be counseling clients on healthy living and weight loss knowing full well that I lay around like a slug, lol. So my question for everyone is, coupled with No-S, do you have a regular exercise routine? What is it? How important do you think exercise is for weight loss? Of the 'naturally thin' people that you know, do they make exercise a priority? I'd love to hear everyone's input!


Hi Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:20 pm
by SavvyV
First of all congrats for reaching your goal weight!!! Apparently what you did to lose the weight worked, even without much exercise. So keep it up, whatever you did! So my question to you, is did you log any of your workouts/ or walking, or anything that you may have done extra in terms of activity? If so, then you may be able to use your log as a baseline toward forming a exercise routine for yourself.

Personally, I love to exercise. I don't see it as something I HAVE to do, but rather something I really enjoy doing. I like feeling the adrenline rush I get when I do my exercises (bowflex, trampoline, walking videos). . .BUT I have not always been that way. I find when I don't exercise, I feel sluggish and generally yukky. The key to enjoying your exercise routine is finding something that you like to do and get moving!!!!
Grab a buddy and challenge them to exercise. That will also keep you motivated.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:07 am
by wosnes
I don't "exercise." I walk my dog 3x/day. When possible I walk as a means of transportation.

These are quotes from Clara's Kitchen by Clara Cannucciari:
If you don't think you have time to exercise, just clean your kitchen. I think it's kind of silly -- the people jogging. Scrubbing my floors and counters makes everything strong and my kitchen looks good.
When I read that I wondered if she scrubbed the floor on her hands and knees like my mom and aunt did -- then I found the next one:
I like the old ways, and I always did. Even back then I didn't like change too much. I like scrubbing the floor clean on my hands and knees with a hard-bristled brush. It doesn't get clean any other way.
Walk to the grocery store. Because if you don't have a large car trunk to store things, you'll be forced to buy only what you can comfortably carry, which is most likely all you need.
Clara has never learned to drive.
Always use the stairs. People tell me that I shouldn't be going up and down my stairs at my age, but I need them -- they keep me limber. So what if we wear out our shoes if we keep ourselves fit?
Work the exercise into your life.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:49 am
by clarinetgal
Yes, I really enjoy exercising! I only do about 40 minutes 4-5 times a week, because I have a baby and a 4 year old, and they keep me busy! My favorite workouts to do are core workouts, like Pilates. I also like working my upper body. I do incorporate cardio and lower body work into my routine, but I don't really enjoy them. What helps me stick with it is I have a large and varied DVD collection and I frequently rotate my DVDs, so I don't get bored.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:40 am
by milliem
I've always hated exercising, and can't afford to join a gym (plus getting the motivation to actually leave the house to exercise makes it much less likely I'll actually go....)

However I've recently got into lifting free weights at home. It's a fab workout, and all the info I've read suggests that if you only have time to work out a few times a week, weights rather than cardio is the way to go. Nothing wrong with ladies lifting, and I'd much rather be strong than a skinny weakling!

I've only been doing it for about a month (slightly interrupted by the holidays) but I'm really enjoying it so far, and I've never stuck to a routine this long before! It kind of helps that my OH also works out with weights, albeit at an actual gym, so we motivate each other :) The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if I eventually do start going to the gym to lift, as the weights I've got at home might not be heavy enough long term.

I definitely think that diet will do more for weight loss than exercise, especially at first and/or with large amounts to lose. However, losing weight without exercise at all might mean that you are all bone and flab!

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:19 pm
by vmsurbat
I am all for increasing everyday activities. I usually walk to do my errands, take things upstairs instead of handing the job off to my children, chop by hand (no food processor), etc. I do use a pedometer and find it very motivating. I sporadically use a toning (light weight) DVD for an upper body workout. Between my (gently) increased daily activities and NoS, I've lost 50 pounds.

We live in Europe and I can say that the naturally thin people here do NOT workout at all--just live a more mobile lifestyle and eat less processed foods. As more processed "western" foods appear in the supermarkets, there's been a notable increase in chubby people--especially (and sadly) in kids.

There are a few gyms here, but only people who want to look "buffed" go to one.


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:57 am
by Sixty
None of the healthier older people (80+) I know do any regular exercise. But they are always busy on projects out in the yard, meeting their friends, traveling, volunteering their time for good causes, etc. They also like to carry their own suitcases, use the stairs when possible and smile and politely decline when someone offers them a seat on public transport. I like that approach much better than grudgingly going to a fitness center.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:49 pm
by wosnes
Making life less convenient does a lot for the "bottom" line. I think one of the best things most of us could do is to forget we have a car at our disposal -- or any one of dozens of labor-saving devices.

It's so easy for us to make our reasons, often kids, excuses for not getting more activity in our daily lives. But in the not so distant past, kids were included in the various activities. The various activities might have taken a little longer, but everyone had fun while getting work done.

My former mil used to pay bills every Friday. She walked to do this and when her kids were young, they all went with her. She also walked to get groceries.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:57 pm
by Blithe Morning
I do about 40 - 60 minutes 5 times a week. Sometimes I do a fitness class, sometimes it's cardio machines and weights. In the summer, I bike and walk instead of the cardio machines but I still like the fitness classes.

I do believe that daily movement in walking, housework, etc is really, really important. I can tell a difference in how I feel when I am active at home after dinner and when I am a slug.

I am putting together a traveling fitness exhibit for kids and families and one of the stations is called "Play on Your Feet." This is the polite variation of "Get Off Your Butt" which would get us emails. More feet, less butt is a good mantra since it works on several different levels.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:21 pm
by bkim
I exercise about 6 times a week for 45 min to an hour and a half. My S days for exercise is only on sunday. I try to exercise every day other than that. I've been maintaining that pace for about 6 months. Hard to wake up early when it's cold but whatever. I've drawn so much out of my account, it's time for some deposits.

I started with the 14min min max... but found that after the habit was formed that I was enjoying myself. When i get to my goal weight and body fat, I'm probably going to return to that 14 min per day of exercise.

Even with this I've only lost 15 lbs in 6 months. But have built muscle and have lost fat... it's hard at times though not having an objective number to go by.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:42 pm
by sheepish
I do a martial arts class once a week (well, sometimes I skip it due to other commitments but I'm usually there 3 times a month) which has really helped me to build strength. I have resistance bands that I use at home for a few minutes every other day and I definitely have more muscular arms/shoulders/back as a result.

But, mostly, I just walk a fair amount. I walk to work 2-3 times a week (4.5 miles) and, even on days when I take the tube, I will get some walking in (1 mile to and from the tube station, occasional meetings walking distance from the office, evenings out walking distance from the office, that kind of thing).

I would like to do a bit more exercise but I also think that - particularly if you're female - diet is the better way to lose weight. I do the exercise more to feel stronger and fitter.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:34 pm
by r.jean
I exercise 30-60 minutes a day most days, but I take an occasional day off.

I do charity walk/runs with my family which keeps me going on the daily stuff because those races are a killer if you are not prepared. Prior to starting No S I had gotten pretty lazy and was walking most of the time during races and avoiding anything longer than a 5k. I still do some walking during runs but am running more and working on my times.

Fitness has become a family thing and activities are often centered around this. We all feel better, and it is more fun. (My children are all adults out on their own.)

I make myself do some minimal weight work, and right now I am trying 5 minutes a day on my husband's elliptical. I honestly enjoy the running and walking but not this. However, I can make myself do it for 5-15 minutes.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:18 pm
by reinhard
14 minutes every N-day. ... .php?id=38

Plus routine, purposeful walking (~40-60 minutes every N-day).

And (more recently) an occasional, short run (~3 miles once a week). I started this after losing all my weight because a friend invited me to join him and much to my surprise I discovered that I actually like running. I'd like to get more ambitious in this department but it's hard to make the time and my IT band starts to hurt (at least, I think it's my IT band) when I regularly run more than non-pathetic distances. It hasn't made any difference weight-wise, but I mention it just in the interest of full disclosure.


Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:34 pm
by snapdragon
Similar to the 14 minutes a day idea check this out