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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:32 pm
by Sweetness
This quote is from my own daily check in today. I got excited and I love to celebrate success! So I thought I'd start a new "Celebrating Success!" thread here, cause I love reading other people's successes too! Post your successes here big or small!!
Sweetness wrote:I just went to my HabitCal and filled in December for No S, because I had posted here all the days, I could do it (not for walking, just for No S diet)... I like what I see-- I'm seeing a lot of GREEN! I like to celebrate success! :lol: :mrgreen:

I only had two red days and two NWS days in December!! There were lots of sweet eating opportunities that I passed up, but I ate all I wanted on the weekends. So even though I gained a couple pounds in December, I will lose it, and other years I would have gained at least 5 pounds, so this is Big success!!! Happy New Year with no regrets food wise!! Maybe for the first time in my life, because I have spent holiday seasons on a strict diet before, but then I had lots of regrets food wise. I regretted not being able to eat desserts and Christmas cookies! I felt very deprived. Thanks Reinhard! I love the No S diet!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:39 am
by mrsj
Congratulations! You've had 27 GREEN days in the hardest month of the year. If you can do this in December, then you can do it anytime!

My success: I've maintained during the holidays. Haven't gained so much as a gram.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:57 pm
by oolala53
I went to an event last night at which I could have eaten delicious food that I would normally love to get, but I wasn't a bit hungry, even though I had eaten lunch at around 1 pm, and an extra cookie around 4 pm. I chose not to eat even though I "could" on an S day. It wasn't that hard and I felt much better going to bed and even waking up. It's almost 11:30 a.m., and I'm still not very hungry. I've had a problem with continuing to want to eat even though I don't feel hungry, and even though I don't feel very good when I actually do eat. It's a big success for me that I didn't eat just because I could! I know some people get used to that sooner than I did, but it feels good today to have waited for it.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:03 pm
by Sweetness
mrsj, thanks!

Oolala, Isn't it great when our whole attitude toward food changes?